Affiliation | Republican |
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2011-01-02 |
Name | Alan Nunnelee |
Address | Tupelo, Mississippi , United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
Born |
October 09, 1958
Died | February 06, 2015
(56 years)
Contributor | User 490 |
Last Modifed | RBH Feb 06, 2015 02:12pm |
Tags |
Married - Cancer - Southern Baptist -
Info | Alan Nunnelee is Chairman of the Public Health & Welfare committee. He also serves on the Education; Environmental Protection, Conservation & Water Resources; Finance; Insurance; Investigate State Offices; Judiciary, Division A and Labor committees.
Senator Nunnelee is a member of the Northeast Mississippi Association of Life Underwriters and the Chesterville Baseball Association.
Senator Nunnelee was born October 9, 1958 in Tupelo. He is married to the former Tori Bedells and is of the Baptist faith.
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