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  Murphy O'Flynn, Brian
NameBrian Murphy O'Flynn
San Francisco, California , United States
Born March 00, 1955 (70 years)
Last ModifedPatrick
Mar 25, 2006 05:05pm
InfoBrian was born in March, 1955 and attended local schools across San Francisco : St. Francis on the Chinatown/North Beach border in 1957, St. Vincent De Paul grammar school on Green Street in 1960, Saint Ignatius College Preparatory in the Sunset in 1969. In 1973 – 75 Brian attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he studied American Politics and served on the University Council. At the age of 20, he left university to broaden his education by working and traveling around the world for two years, visiting over 40 countries. In 1978 he traveled to England to continue his studies where he enrolled at the London School of Economics. He received his degree in Community Development Economics from the LSE in 1982, graduating cum laude. He was accepted as a Phd candidate in Economics at the University of London, but decided instead to pursue his love of traditional architecture. He returned to San Francisco in 1984, where he has made a successful career over the past twenty years as architectural designer, entrepreneur, and craftsman-builder, restoring and preserving architectural gems in both San Francisco and Oakland.

Brian has worked and run a business in District 3 over a span of 30 years. Brian has restored several small industrial/commercial properties in San Francisco, which he now rents exclusively to small local businesses. He believes in making traditional long term investments in San Francisco neighborhoods which support local jobs and economic sustainability. He supports local neighborhood businesses, recognizing their essential place in preserving and revitalizing San Francisco's unique neighborhoods.

His first introduction to politics was as a volunteer for former Mayor Joe Alioto’s campaign in the 1960s. Most recently he walked precincts in District 3 in Gavin Newsom's successful campaign in the recent Mayor's race. Over the past two years, Brian has been active and productive as a tireless grassroots community advocate and organizer - pushing for clean open government and a greater say for neighborhoods in how San Francisco is run. Among his accomplishments are the organization of the following community groups: Preserve our Parks, Council on Good Government, District 3 Neighborhood Action, the San Francisco Voter Project, and the North Beach Association.

Brian first became involved in civil rights issues in grammar and high school where issues of social justice were at the forefront of his education. Of particular importance are the protection of individuals via the enforcement of equal protection and anti discrimination laws. He supports individuals rights of same sex marriage. Brian has been a member in the past of two different trade unions and strongly supports the rights of workers to organize and the right to collective bargaining. He is a member of both the American Civil Liberties Union ( ACLU ) and Amnesty International and has been involved over the years in a number of peace and social justice issues. Brian is also a lifelong environmentalist. He helped pass the first Wild and Scenic Rivers Initiative in the early 1970s, founded an ecology organization in the early 1970s , and has held active memberships in the Sierra Club, the Bioneers, as well as the International Society of Ecology and Culture. He has also served on the Board of Directors of a literary non profit, Words Given Wings.

Brian is both a renter and a small property owner in District 3. Brian lives in a rented apartment in the Lower Nob Hill/Lower Polk neighborhood adjacent to the Tenderloin. Last year, after eight years of hard work, Brian received neighborhood support and planning approval to build a beautiful historically sensitive residential project in which both Brian and his disabled mother, Kay, now 85 years young, will reside. When completed, this new building will also provide 7 sorely needed apartments for rent to other members of the community. These apartments will all be fully disabled accessible and in a small way will help alleviate the rental housing shortage in the neighborhood. Brian is active in his local neighborhood organizations, the North Beach Neighbors and Lower Polk Neighbors, as well as being a member of Friends of North Beach Library, the North Beach Playground Improvement Association and Friends of Boedekker Park.

Brian is an independent, non partisan advocate for clean, efficient government and the effective representation of all people in District 3 and San Francisco. He believes public policy should be intelligently crafted to maximize benefits to those most in need, while minimizing the cost to taxpayers. Brian is an outspoken proponent of government accountability and opponent of pork barrel politics. He staunchly opposes the corrupting influence of money in politics and the excessive sway of special interests at City Hall. He has pledged to abide by the campaign spending limits mandated by voters in 2000 and has petitioned all other candidates across San Francisco to do the same. Brian offers effective representation with integrity and independence. He will take the initiative to seek out both problems and solutions in the community and offer effective results oriented common sense solutions. Most of all , he will ensure fairness in the process, open government, and equal representation for all.


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  11/02/2004 SF Board of Supervisors - District 3 Lost 17.78% (-44.78%)