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  Bird, Rod "JR"
NameRod "JR" Bird
AddressPO Box 1776
Roosevelt, Utah 84066, United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRBH
Apr 28, 2024 04:03pm
Tags NRA -
InfoA committed family man and successful businessman, JR Bird stands as an example of strength, perseverance, and community involvement. From modest beginnings, JR has emerged as a versatile main street job creator and a dedicated mayor, embodying a conservative problem solver.

Central to JR’s identity is his unwavering devotion to his faith, family, and deep concern for the well-being of his community, Utah, and our nation.

Overcoming adversity through determination, JR transformed challenges into stepping stones. From growing up in humble circumstances, at one point living in a 10 x 20 shed as a child after the family home was lost in a fire, JR successfully grew multiple businesses and became the mayor of his hometown, Roosevelt, Utah.

These trials gave him a profound understanding of the values of hard work, giving back, and working collaboratively with neighbors to improve his community.

While still in his twenties, JR’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to found Paragon Oilfield Products, a thriving enterprise supplying the oil & gas, and agricultural industries. He has also played a pivotal role in revitalizing other local businesses, preserving jobs, and fortifying the community’s economic foundation.

As Mayor of Roosevelt, JR pushed back against COVID-19 mandates, passed term limits, and has kept taxes low. However, he is most proud of the way his community comes together to help others, whether it’s rallying together and sandbagging during floods, supporting the Thompsen House of Hope, a Christ-centered substance abuse recovery center, or extending a helping hand to neighbors in times of need.

Outside of his professional pursuits, JR enjoys spending time with his wife of 22 years, Brindy, and is a proud father to their four children. His devotion to faith and family is complemented by his love of the land, where he enjoys cultivating alfalfa and raising cattle on his small family farm.

JR’s values are deeply ingrained and evident in his passion for hunting, fishing, running, and spending quality time with loved ones. His commitment to restoring the core American values of integrity, accountability, and selfless service is unwavering. If elected, JR aims to prioritize working families over special interests, infusing the halls of Washington with the spirit of small-town values and championing the principles of individualism, limited government, and freedom that have always been our nation’s backbone.

JR’s commitment to his community and small-town values can be seen in his involvement in the community. JR has served as a volunteer firefighter and is a member of the Rotary Club. He is a member and founder of the Roosevelt Economic Development Committee, a member of the Roosevelt Chamber of Commerce, Roosevelt Interfaith Council, and he served eight years on the Central Utah Water Conservancy District Board of Trustees. JR is also a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, a member of Gun Owners of America, National Association of Gun Rights, the Utah Shooting Sports Council, and the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF).



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  04/27/2024 UT District 03 - R Convention Won 0.00% (-38.49%)
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