Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Walter S. "Wally Appleseed" Orlinsky |
Address | 1316 Bolton St. Baltimore, Maryland , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
May 19, 1938
Died | February 09, 2002
(63 years)
Contributor | U Ole Polecat |
Last Modifed | Mr. Matt Jan 31, 2021 07:15pm |
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Info | Attended Brooklyn, New York, parochial and public schools; The Johns Hopkins University, A.B., 1960; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1964. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1966. Married.
General Assembly:
House of Delegates, Legislative District 2 (D), Baltimore City, 1967-71. Chair, Metropolitan Affairs Committee, 1967-69; Economic Affairs Committee, 1969-70; Joint Committee on Organization and Procedure, 1969-70. Resigned, November 22, 1971.
Private Career and Other Public Service:
President, Baltimore City Council, 1973-82. Founder, New Democratic Club. Member, Maryland Commission on the Functions of Government; Young Democratic Clubs of Maryland; American and Junior Bar Associations; Academy of Political Science; Baltimore Museum of Art. Chairman of the board, Baltimore Tutorial Project. Member, Civil Liberties Union; National Trust for Historic Preservation; The Wilderness Society; Phi Alpha Delta; The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association; University of Maryland Alumni Association. Treasurer, Baltimore Association for Histadrut. National Board member, Habonim; Committee for Labor, Israel.
Often at odds with then Mayor Schaefer during tenure.
In 1981 he short-circuited his political career, accepting a $2,000 bribe from an FBI informant posing as a representative of a Pennsylvania sewage-sludge hauler. He pleaded guilty, served four-and-a-half months in federal prison where he cleaned floors and worked in the laundry, and spent the rest of his life atoning.
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