Affiliation | Green |
Name | Ronnie Dugger |
Address | , New York , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
00, 1931
(94 years)
Contributor | 411 Name Removed |
Last Modifed | Juan Croniqueur Nov 26, 2022 08:38pm |
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Info | Born in Chicago of a Texan and a Scotswoman, Ronnie Dugger was writing for newspapers from 13 on. He was raised and educated in Texas except for a time at Oxford University. After a couple of years in Washington he returned to Texas and in 1954 founded, with the support of a group of nationally- oriented liberals in the state, The Texas Observer, "an independent liberal weekly newspaper," which has been published for 44 years and is now a biweekly identified as "A Journal of Free Voices." During Dugger's editorship the Observer broke many scandals and initiated dialogues on neglected issues of social and economic policy, racial justice, and civil liberties. He was its owner and publisher until 1994, when he passed it into the non-profit Texas Democracy Foundation, whose directors include Geoff Rips, Jim Hightower, and Molly Ivins. The Observer is widely recognized for combining high journalistic standards with unflagging commitment to progressive values.
In 1967 the University of Texas Press published a book Dugger edited from special issues of the Observer on three literary elders in the state, Three Men in Texas. For his own first book Dugger wrote Dark Star: Hiroshima Reconsidered (1967), a biography of a Texas pilot who had helped bomb Hiroshima and had been seeking punishment for the mass death he helped cause there. As Lyndon Johnson moved into the White House Dugger undertook a critical book on his life and career, The Politician, which W. W. Norton published in 1982. In Dugger's book Our Invaded Universities, a case study of corporate penetration and domination of the University of Texas published by Norton in 1974, he advanced a general theory for the reformation of American universities. McGraw-Hill published his On Reagan, a densely factual policy biography of Ronald Reagan, in 1983.
Dugger has taught at various universities and has received a variety of fellowships and grants; he was a fellow at the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy at the Kennedy School at Harvard in 1996 and will be a Research Associate at the Center for the Study of Values in Public Life at the Harvard Divinity School in 1998-1999. He has written hundreds of articles for various publications, for example, on presidential fundraising and on the nuclear weapons business for The New York Times Magazine and on discrimination against African-Americans on Death Row for Life. His 26,000-word article on the dangers of counting votes in computers appeared in The New Yorker on Nov. 7, 1988; he is completing a book on that subject for Pantheon and working on other books.
An article of Dugger's, a "Call to Citizens" published in the Nation issue of Aug. 14-21, 1995, has launched a nationwide populist movement, the Alliance for Democracy, "to free all people from corporate domination of politics, economics, the environment, culture and information; to establish true democracy; and to create a just society with a sustainable, equitable economy." The Alliance has launched more than 50 chapters across the country in such cities as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Denver, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Birmingham, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Haven, and Boston. The founding national convention of the Alliance was held in 1996 in the Texas hill country, where 19th-Century American Populism first began. The second convention at Atchison, Kansas, recommended a set of twelve national action campaigns to the members, who ratified them by mail ballot.
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