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  Sullivan, Ann
NameAnn Sullivan
, Minnesota , United States
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRP
Nov 01, 2021 04:54pm
InfoAlthough born in the Twin Cities to a pair of former naval officers following World War II, I’ve spent lots of time in Cook County. My grandfather, Purl, and my Dad brought our family on many trips to the North Shore and up the unpaved Gunflint Trail to camp, hunt, and fish beginning in the late 1950’s.

I regularly drove up to camp, hunt, fish, snowshoe, and cross country ski with cousins and friends. Before I owned my own canoe, I remember putting $5 in an envelope, inserting it into a wooden box along the Sawbill Trail and grabbing a 1978 Grumman; the honor system worked well. Now I have my own lightweight canoe, more appropriate for someone with my hair color. When I married my husband, Tim, who I met in 7th grade, we shared a passion for Cook County and decided it would be our dream place to retire. Our dream finally came true!

As for my career, I have always been in education, serving in the field for 44 years. I loved being a student, and once I graduated, I didn’t even need to think about my next steps (AA,, BS, MA and beyond). I taught for 22 years, worked in staff development, served as a school administrator for 15 years, and then came to Cook County where I’ve worked as a paraprofessional for ISD 166 and then in the education for Grand Portage.

My move to Cook County was to my 320 square foot cabin northwest of Lutsen. My husband stayed in the Twin Cities while I established residence here. We were anxious to be together again once our home sold after the last economic downturn in 2008...prior to COVID-19. Not only did Tim and our two dogs move here, but my son, Tom came as well. Tom followed in my footsteps by taking a position as a paraprofessional for ISD 166. Since everyone was a bit too snug in that 320 square foot cabin, we bought a house in District 4.

I’ve served as an active volunteer here. I’ve been a member and officer in the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 413, the Cook County Historical Society, and the Education Foundation. For a short time, too, I was appointed to fill a seat on the School Board. In addition, I am a certified Firearms Safety Instructor for the DNR, sharing my passion for the outdoors with many young people here in Cook County. I still volunteer weekly for MN Responds, as well.



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  11/08/2022 Cook County, MN Commissioner District 4 Won 66.67% (+33.87%)
  11/03/2020 Cook County, MN Commissioner District 4 Won 53.91% (+7.81%)