Affiliation | Republican |
2021-01-01 |
Name | June Yang-Cutter |
Address | 10531 4S Commons Dr San Diego, California , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Contributor | RBH |
Last Modifed | CaliforniaModerate Jun 16, 2022 02:34am |
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Info | June Yang Cutter is running for Assembly to be a real voice for our community and for California’s middle class. An accomplished attorney and small business owner, June lives in Del Sur with her husband Ryan, a former Naval Flight Officer, and their two children.
June’s community involvement began on the local PTA, where she currently serves as President. She strongly believes that a great education is the key to opportunity and the door to the middle class. To her, this means making sure education dollars are spent in the classroom, and empowering parents to hold schools accountable for results.
Like many of our neighbors, June has watched the California government take more and accomplish less. She sits in traffic on broken roads, just like us. She sees the rampant homelessness in our cities, just like us. She is frustrated that California has one of the lowest performing school systems in the country, just like us. She worries about whether her children will be able to afford living here, or whether they will want to, just like us. That is why June is running for Assembly: she sees what is happening to our home state.
June wants the middle class to have a voice again. She looks at the career politicians who represent us in Sacramento and sees that their main goal is getting re-elected, not doing what’s best for the day to day needs of people in their community. She looks at their votes, and who pays for their campaigns, and sees that they work for the special interests and lobbyists, not us. And she has had enough.
That is who June Yang Cutter is, and why she is stepping up to challenge Sacramento’s political machine. Because she wants to make sure that California remains a place of opportunity, a place that puts the middle class first, a place where the next generation can fulfill their American Dream.
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