Affiliation | Democratic |
2021-01-01 |
Name | Kristine Schanbacher |
Address | 400 E. Ohio St Chicago, Illinois , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Contributor | RP |
Last Modifed | CaliforniaModerate Jun 01, 2021 12:22pm |
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Info | Schanbacher is a commercial litigator at the Chicago office of the global law firm Dentons, and Politico writes that she’s done pro bono work for the American Medical Association, including on a lawsuit “that helped overturn the Wisconsin statute that would have effectively banned abortion clinics.” They add that she’s also “helped attain asylum for a transgender woman from Mexico and helped reinstate SNAP benefits that were wrongfully terminated.” Former DNC chair Howard Dean, who is a senior Dentons advisor, is advising Schanbacher’s campaign.
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