Affiliation | Prohibition |
1936-05-07 |
Name | D. Leigh Colvin |
Address | New York, New York , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
January 28, 1880
Died | September 07, 1959
(79 years)
Contributor | nystate63 |
Last Modifed | Juan Croniqueur Mar 06, 2024 04:59am |
Tags |
Methodist -
Info | D(avid) Leigh Colvin was born in South Charleston OH.
Studied at American Temperance University, Harriman TN, then graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1900.
President of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association 1899-1909, 1912-1920
Married Mamie White in 1906; she later served as national president of the WCTU 1944-1953. She died in 1955.
Vice President of the National Temperance Council 1913-1923
Candidate for U.S. Senate (Prb-NY) 1916, 1932
Candidate for Mayor of New York City (Prb) 1917
Army captain, World War I; gave a series of speeches on patriotism.
Vice President of the World Prohibition Federation 1918-1934 and Treasurer of the same organization 1934-1948.
Candidate for Vice President of the United States on the Prohibition ticket, 1920
Beginning in 1920, Colvin became a speaker with the Flying Squadron Foundation, which endeavored to enhance the enforcement of Prohibition. He served as National Legislative Superintendent 1923-1924.
Candidate for President of the United States on the Prohibition ticket in 1936. Colvin's campaign theme was "Pulverize Rum Power." He advocated a return to the 18th Amendment.
President of the National Temperance and Prohibition Council 1936-1937
New York Times 9/8/1959
Photo source: Buffalo Evening News 5/7/1936 |
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