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  Mele, Gregg
<-  2021-03-30  
NameGregg Mele
Address1 Kershaw Court
Bridgewater, New Jersey , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedCharlotte Rose
Mar 06, 2022 10:55pm
InfoOur current governor suggests that, if you don't like paying taxes, then New Jersey is not for you, and you are welcome to leave. Well, his strategy is working, both for small business and the people of our state who can longer afford to stay here. The mass exodus we are experiencing in New Jersey is unprecedented, and will continue indefinitely until policies change. Never has there been a bolder, more unapologetic statement supporting irresponsible spending and big government, with all its historically-proven destructive aspects. We have the regressive toll increases and gas tax that impact the poor, taking away any supposed benefits the state claims to provide, just like robbing Peter to pay Paul, except, in this case, both are the poor under these bait-and-switch tactics. This is why big-government locations never improve or thrive, and typically decay. These costs are also inundating small businesses, who are already struggling, with fees and taxes that are crippling their ability to stay in business and provide employment opportunities to others. This is causing a high percentage of businesses to close permanently, and many others to flee the state, leaving the economy in ruins, with a budget gap that cannot be closed without federal help taken from other states that manage their budgets more effectively. With the talent pool we have in our workforce, there should be no need for this, or government dependency in general, if spending were even marginally responsible. If small business is allowed to operate with recommended, not mandated, restrictions, they will adapt to meet these consumer demands, and people can continue to support their families, with no need for any increase in government spending.



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