Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Frank W. Boykin |
Address | Mobile, Alabama , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
February 21, 1885
Died | March 12, 1969
(84 years)
Contributor | eddy 9_99 |
Last Modifed | RBH Dec 12, 2014 08:49pm |
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Info | born in Bladon Springs, Choctaw County, Ala., February 21, 1885; attended the public schools; moved to Fairford, Ala., in 1890 and was employed as a clerk in a store and later as store manager; moved to Malcolm, Ala., in 1905 and engaged in the manufacture of railroad cross ties; moved to Mobile, Ala., in 1915 and was occupied with real estate, farming, livestock, timber, lumber, and naval stores in southern Alabama; during the First World War served as an official in shipbuilding companies; elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-fourth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John McDuffie; reelected to the Seventy-fifth and to the twelve succeeding Congresses and served from July 30, 1935, to January 3, 1963; chairman, Committee on Patents (Seventy-eighth and Seventy-ninth Congresses); unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1962 to the Eighty-eighth Congress; returned to his many business activities; died in Washington, D.C., March 12, 1969; interment in Pine Crest Cemetery, Mobile, Ala.
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