Affiliation | MN Independence |
Name | Jack E. Shepard |
Address | 2191 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55116, United States |
Email | None |
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Contributor | 411 Name Removed |
Last Modifed | 6921 Aug 02, 2010 02:54pm |
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Caucasian -
Info | Dr. Jack Shepard says at this very critical time in our Nations History the next United States Congress urgently needs new Congressmen and Congresswomen with international experience especially whose with a very good first hand understanding of the Arab Countries in the Middle East.
Dr. Jack Shepard is on the record as saying that the only possible way to achieve a long lasting peace in the Middle East is necessary to win our war on Terrorism is through dialogue.
Dr. Jack Shepard, a self-described "Born-Again Republican" and Veteran American Service Officer.
For almost a quarter of a century Dr. Shepard has been based and working out of Rome, Italy as a Mideast Specialist.
In 2002, little-known candidate Jack E. Shepard lost to Norm Coleman in Minnesota's GOP primary for US Senate by a lopsided 94% to 6% vote. In fact, few people paid any attention to Shepard then. This year -- filing again from an address in Italy -- Shepard is running for Congress in CD-4. He even posted a website with lots of old pictures (including one from his old USAF identification card), his birth date, full name, and more. That's when his troubles began. Based upon the info on his site, Hennepin County Prosecutor Amy Klobuchar now says her office believes that candidate Shepard is the same Jack E. Shepard who fled 22 years ago to avoid trial on a felony arson charge. According to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Klobuchar said that Shepard is a former dentist who was previously convicted of criminal sexual conduct and drug possession. "We will only be certain after he is located and fingerprints can be taken. But, based on the pictures and other evidence we have, we believe he is the person," she said. Hennepin County District Court records show Shepard was also charged with making terrorist threats and illegally possessing a gun after a felony conviction, but these were not resolved at the time he fled. Klobuchar's office has since asked the FBI to locate Shepard in Italy so he can he arrested and extradited to the US for trial. In response to an email inquiry from the newspaper, Shepard provided some strange answer that " Jack Shepard is his legal name, but not his real name" and that "it is a felony to expose the identity of a clandestine CIA agent." Klobuchar said she wants to arrest and extradite Shepard because his two candidacies were an "in-your-face" challenge to the legal system.
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