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  Lange, David
<-  1993-01-01  
NameDavid Lange
Auckland, , New Zealand
Born August 04, 1942
DiedAugust 13, 2005 (63 years)
Last ModifedOld LW
Jul 05, 2020 07:10pm
Tags Divorced - Married -
InfoDavid Lange, the rotund and charismatic Labour PM who described himself once self-deprecatingly as a "clapped out, two bit lawyer", ousted Robert Muldoon with a combination of humor and oratory, oversaw the Rogernomics reforms that moved New Zealand's economy from one of the most regulated in the world to one of the least regulated. Lange came to regret the reforms towards the end of his tenure and engaged in a very public break with his Finance Minister, Roger Douglas. After sacking Douglas from the cabinet and subsequently defeating him in a leadership challenge, the Labour caucus re-elected Douglas to a spot in the cabinet and Lange, believing that such a move was a motion of no-confidence in his leadership, resigned a week later. Though he continued to serve as MP for Mangere until 1996 (resigning both due to ill health and in opposition to the new electoral system).

While Lange's economic record as PM is controversial, especially among Labour supporters, the legacy that he felt the proudest of was his government's anti-nuclear stand (which is still in effect today). Lange's high water mark as PM came when he debated Rev. Jerry Falwell on the nuclear issue at the Oxford Union. During the debate, Lange responded to a questioner who demanded that Lange provide him with answers that, he was "going to give it to you if you just hold your breath. I can smell the uranium on it as you lean toward me", which has often been misquoted as, "I can smell uranium on your breath".

After he left office, Lange battled a myriad of health problems. He even had his leg amputated due to diabetes without any anesthetic in an attempt to save his life. In his final days, Lange finished his autobiography, titled "My Life" and settled his relationships with many he had previously quarreled with, including Roger Douglas. Lange died on August 13, 2005, just 9 days after his 63rd birthday.


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Dictionary of New Zealand Biography  Discuss
  11/06/1993 NZ MP - Mangere Won 58.61% (+41.85%)
  10/27/1990 NZ MP - Mangere Won 55.17% (+31.02%)
  12/21/1988 NZ Labour Party Leadership Won 71.70% (+43.40%)
  08/15/1987 NZ Prime Minister Won 58.76% (+17.53%)
  08/15/1987 NZ MP - Mangere Won 70.61% (+48.27%)
  07/26/1984 NZ Minister of Foreign Affairs Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  07/14/1984 NZ MP - Mangere Won 72.84% (+57.14%)
  07/14/1984 NZ Prime Minister Won 58.95% (+20.00%)
  02/03/1983 NZ Labour Party Leadership Won 78.57% (+57.14%)
  11/28/1981 NZ MP - Mangere Won 62.25% (+41.36%)
  12/12/1980 NZ Labour Party Leadership Lost 48.65% (-2.70%)
  11/25/1978 NZ MP - Mangere Won 66.24% (+45.57%)
  03/25/1977 NZ MP - Mangere Won 58.28% (+27.80%)
  11/29/1975 NZ MP - Hobson Lost 14.62% (-37.07%)
NZ Labour Party Leadership - Dec 01, 1993 NZLP Helen Clark