Affiliation | Democratic |
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2011-01-01 |
Name | Jim Condos |
Address | South Burlington, Vermont , United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
Born |
January 29, 1959
(66 years)
Contributor | Joshua L. |
Last Modifed | Paul Nov 28, 2012 10:08am |
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Info | JIM CONDOS of South Burlington, Chittenden County, Democrat, was born in Orange, New Jersey, on January 29, 1951; became a Chittenden County resident in 1955. Jim attended Burlington schools until his family moved to South Burlington in 1967, where he graduated from South Burlington HS in 1969. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1974, and married Cindy Hall (`75) in October 1975; their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1982, and attends Georgia State University in Atlanta. Jim is the Public Affairs Manager for Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. in South Burlington. Jim has been a member of the South Burlington City Council since 1989, Chair since 1999. He also serves on the following boards: Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization (Vice Chair), Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, Vermont League of Cities and Towns Board of Directors, VLCT Transportation Committee, Vermont Public Transit Advisory Council. Nationally, Jim was appointed to the National League of Cities Policy Steering Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources. He also has served on the NLC Clearn Air Task Force. In the past, he has served on: Chittenden County Solid Waste District (Vice Chair), Chittenden County Transportation Authority, VLCT Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Committee, South Burlington City Center Committee, and the South Burlington Zoning Board. Member of the Senate: 2001-2002, 2003-2004. Home Phone: 863-4654. E-mail: jcondos@leg.state.vt.us. POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 23 Victoria Drive, South Burlington 05403.
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