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  Dimitrov, Peter
AffiliationNew Democratic  
NamePeter Dimitrov
Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
Nov 18, 2003 01:07pm
InfoJoined the BC NDP in the early '70's at Nelson, BC and have been active in both the BC and Yukon NDP. I have had a long friendship with two CCF'ers, one of whom taught me much about the history of our party, her considerable connections with J.S Woodsworth, Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King -those values and ideas have had a profound effect on my life.

Attended Notre Dame University, Nelson, BC. - was Vice President of the Student's Union and Vice President of the BC Students Federation.

Have a Master's degree from UBC's School of Planning specializing in economic development planning and natural resources management . Also I have a law degree from UBC and have practiced law for about a decade.

Took a significant leadership role in defeating BC Hydro's plans to construct the Kootenay Diversion that would have seriously impacted Kootenay River & Lake. Pushed for people's regional referendum on the issue- over 90% rejected the project.

Co-Coordinator of West Kootenay's first multicultural festival at Nelson's Lakeside Park, which had over 80 performing acts on three stages plus a very large artisan's craft fair. Some of those artisans formed a significant BC crafts co-operative that thrives today out of Granville Market. Also, active before the CRTC to get more community controlled cable TV for the West Kootenays.

Co-chair of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Uranium Mining & Exploration which consisted of about 30 community groups representing labour, First Nations, Churches, Environmental organizations such as Greenpeace & SPEC and many student groups. The Committee organized an international conference at Vancouver's Hyatt Regency bringing together scientists from around the world to speak out on the dangers of uranium mining & low level radiation. Pressure was brought to bear on the BC government, which led to the Bates Royal Commission and the eventual total ban on uranium mining & exploration in British Columbia.

Senior advisor to the Council for Yukon Indians on economic development strategies related to comprehensive land claims. I have significant insight into the myriad issues related to comprehensive treaty negotiations and implementation.

Director of a 1/4 million dollar impact assessment for Kaska First Nations, a project which substantially documented the Kaska economy, system of land-use, human resources & culture and assessed expected impacts from regional developments of a mine, townsite and hydro-electric dam on their way of life.

Entrepreneur of a small business which imported consumer products by the container -load and sold them at the wholesale and retail levels all across Canada.

Directed a project which looked at the impacts of logging on the Carrier-Sekani's way of life in Central British Columbia. Likewise, directed another assessment project examining the problems & solutions related to the education and well being of Carrier-Sekani First Nation young people. Both these projects required extensive grass roots consultations and were important to the Carrier-Sekani's struggle to increase control over their own economy, as well as control of the education & delivery of social services to youths & families.

Worked as counselor to children and families at risk in Vancouver, many were extremely poor new immigrant and First Nation families, and often went out of my way to provide food so they could get by.

During the 1995 Quebec referendum Peter took the initiative and together with other New Democrats acted as Chair of the "Rally for Canada Committee" which organized a public rally at the Plaza of Nations which drew about 8,000 persons. This was broadcast into Quebec - helping to give us that .6% winning edge!

Co-Founder and first Chair of the Multifaith Social Justice Coalition (BC) and was instrumental in the writing of their founding Declaration & Action Statement holding the BC Liberal government accountable for their actions.

Initiated an Internet website called "bcpolitics.ca" which publishes many progressive articles on BC politics. Peter has been very active on the BC Hydro issue, writing the "Save BC Hydro" Petition that has gathered over 78,000 signees, questioning Energy Minister Neufeld and making modest legal suggestions.

Worked in sawmills, mines & smelters, switchman and communications operator on the railway, manager of a government employment centre, teacher to Blind & Visually Impaired adults, economic development & natural resource management consultant, project director, lawyer, volunteer fireman, member of many unions over the years.


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  11/23/2003 BC New Democratic Party Leader Lost 0.00% (-51.17%)