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  Davidson, Donetta
NameDonetta Davidson
Littleton, Colorado , United States
Born 00, 1943 (82 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedRBH
Jun 16, 2016 01:57am
InfoDonetta Davidson was born into a military family in Liberal, Kansas in 1943. She became a Coloradoan shortly thereafter when her family moved first to Two Buttes then to Las Animas where they settled. When ever possible Donetta spends time with her family, son Todd, daughter and son-in-law Trudi and Todd Berich and grand daughters Brittany and Nicole.

Official Positions:

Bent County Clerk and Recorder, Las Animas, Colorado
Elected in November 1978 and served until January 1986
Director of Elections, Colorado Department of State
Appointed in January 1986 and served until December 1994
Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder, Littleton, Colorado
Elected in November 1994, re-elected in November 1998, and served until July 21, 1999
Colorado Secretary of State
Appointed by Governor Bill Owens on July 22, 1999
Elected in November 2000

Elections Officer, Colorado Department of State, supervising the county clerks in all election matters pertaining to the Primary/General elections, including mail ballot; assisting with recall issues; municipal, special district, and school district elections
Legislative liaison for the Secretary of State
Legislative Liaison for the County Clerk Association
Speaker at six Postal Training Seminars held in various cities, 1998
Chairman of committee that developed the only logo ever used by election officials for mailings and a User�s Guide for election officials and post offices to facilitate lower mailing costs, as well as, ensuring delivery of official election mail to electors
Speaker, National Postal Forum, 1998
Participant, US Postal Service National Training broadcast, 1998
Expert speaker on the election process
Participation on state and federal levels concerning legislative changes
Chairman of the National Association of Secretaries of State Standing Committee on Elections, 2001-2002


President, Colorado State Association of County Clerk and Recorders, 1983 to 1984
Executive Board Member, National Association of County Clerk and Recorders, 1995 to 1999
President, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), 1994, and current member
Recipient, Henry Toll Fellowship of Council of State Governments, 1993
Member, International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials, and Treasurers (IACREOT), 1995 to present
Appointment to Federal Election Commission Advisory Panel, 1995 to present
Chairman, Legislative Committee for Colorado State Association of County Clerk and Recorders, 1996 to 1999
Chairman, Joint Elections Officials Liaison Committee (JEOLC) Postal Service Task Force, 1997 to present
Appointment to the Election Center Board of Directors, 1998 to present
Appointment to the National Association of State Election Directors Voting Systems/Independent Test Authority Accreditation Board, 1998 to present


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  11/05/2002 CO Secretary of State Won 58.16% (+20.34%)
  08/13/2002 CO Secretary of State - R Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/2000 CO Secretary of State - Special Election Won 55.47% (+17.66%)
  07/22/1999 CO Secretary of State - Appointment Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/03/1998 Arapahoe County - Clerk and Recorder Won 99.71% (+99.42%)
CO Secretary of State - R Primary - Jun 28, 2022 R Pam Anderson