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  Hadley, Rakeim "RJ"
NameRakeim "RJ" Hadley
Conyers, Georgia , United States
Website [Link]
Born 00, 1969 (56 years)
Last ModifedDavid
Dec 19, 2021 07:09pm
Tags Black - Married - Straight -
InfoRakeim Jerhal "R.J." Hadley

I understand what it means to move forward through challenging times. As a young boy, I had to overcome the pain of my parents’ divorce and the devastation of losing my childhood home to foreclosure. I grew up in a small rural community in southern New Jersey and opportunities were limited. My mother, who was a social worker, always told me that education would be my ticket to a better life. With determination, hard work, and scholarships from my church, I enrolled at Dartmouth College. This was great for me academically and I also met my lovely wife, Tarah, there as well!

I graduated from Dartmouth in 1991. While many of my classmates chose careers on Wall Street, I took a path of public service and became a juvenile court social worker in Atlantic City. It was very rewarding and quite humbling to work with kids who had such great potential in difficult circumstances. After four years, I decided to pursue my great interest in computer technology. I returned to school and earned a B.S. in Computer Science. I later worked as a software developer for the FAA and Motorola before working abroad in Europe for Logica, an international technology firm.

I have been a Democrat all of my life, yet I am not a career politician. Regardless of party ideology, it seems that public service today is more about positioning for power and less about the people. As a result, we have lost faith in our leaders, trust in our neighbors, and belief in our own ability to succeed. My late grandmother was a longtime elections board supervisor and I learned many valuable political lessons from her. She taught me that the strength and effectiveness of government depended on the heart of those elected to serve. I am not running for U.S. Senate to show you how great I am or that I have all the answers. Rather, I am running to confirm that what makes this country great is the strength and resolve of its citizens. I am running because I believe we must aspire to government for the people over government for the wealthiest and most powerful.

With new leaders who put the needs of the people ahead of political gain, we will overcome the numerous challenges that we face in our state and in this nation. This will be an uphill battle but one worth taking on. I hope you will join me in the fight.



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