Affiliation | Whig |
Name | Thomas O. Edwards |
Address | Lancaster, Ohio , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
March 29, 1810
Died | February 05, 1876
(65 years)
Contributor | Thomas Walker |
Last Modifed | RBH Jul 08, 2017 03:51pm |
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Info | EDWARDS, Thomas Owen, a Representative from Ohio; born in Williamsburg, Ind., March 29, 1810; completed preparatory studies; studied medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.; moved to Lancaster, Ohio, in 1836 and engaged in the practice of medicine; elected as a Whig to the Thirtieth Congress (March 4, 1847-March 3, 1849); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1848 to the Thirty-first Congress; attended former President John Quincy Adams, who was then a Congressman, when he suffered a fatal stroke in the Hall of the House of Representatives; served as inspector of marine hospitals; moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and engaged in the drug business; member and president of the city council; professor in the Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio; moved to Madison, Wis., and thence to Dubuque, Iowa; during the Civil War served as surgeon in the Third Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry; returned to Lancaster, Ohio, about 1870 and resumed the practice of medicine; moved to Wheeling, W.Va., in 1875 and continued the practice of his profession; died in Wheeling, W.Va., February 5, 1876; interment in Mount Wood Cemetery.
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