Affiliation | Democratic |
1983-01-01 |
Name | Donald J. Albosta |
Address | St. Charles, Michigan , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
December 05, 1925
Died | December 18, 2014
(89 years)
Contributor | *crickets chirp* |
Last Modifed | David Dec 05, 2020 12:26pm |
Tags |
Navy - Catholic -
Info | Donald Joseph Albosta
Representative from Michigan; born in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Mich., December 5, 1925; attended Saginaw and Chesaning public schools; graduated Chesaning Agricultural School; attended Delta College, Saginaw, Mich.; served in the United States Navy; farmer; owner and developer of Misteguay Creek Farms; Albee Township Trustee; associate director, Saginaw County Soil Conservation District; Saginaw County Commissioner, 1970-1974; served in the Michigan house of representatives, 1974-1976; elected as a Democrat to the Ninety-sixth and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1979-January 3, 1985); unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Ninety-ninth Congress; is a resident of St. Charles, Mich.
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