Affiliation | Independent American |
Name | Ronald Winfield |
Address | P.O. Box 764 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062, United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
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Contributor | particleman |
Last Modifed | User 215 May 12, 2005 07:55am |
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Info | Occupation: Caretaker for Elderly
Education: AAS (Political Science) Ricks College. BS (History) Utah State University.
Prior Community Experience/Elected Office: UT State Senate candidate, Independent American Party 2000
1. GOALS: As a member of Congress, what two major goals do you believe you can achieve on behalf of the people of Utah?
1) Protect America’s sovereignty from illegal immigration and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. 2) Repeal the patriot act and existing anti-gun laws and fight any new proposed legislation of that nature.
2. GLOBAL WARMING AND FOSSIL FUELS: What do you think should be done at the federal level to stop global warming and to reduce our use of and dependence on fossil fuels?
Part 1) Global warming. Nothing. Global warming is a natural process. The climate of the earth has been in fluctuation for the last 2000 years. The truth of the matter is that climatic stability would be a deviation from the norm. Part 2) Independence from fossil fuels. Review and remove any federal regulations that are counter-productive towards those ends.
3. ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE: What should the federal government do to ensure that every American has access to affordable health care?
Anyone who wants to should be allowed to train as a Physician. Only those students who do not learn the trade satisfactorily should be denied a license to practice. In short we need a policy of zero tolerance for restricting the number of physicians in circulation. The insurance companies need to be eliminated. Rigid enforcement of the Hill Burton Act should be used to address the needs of citizens who fall in the remaining cracks. Since these changes cannot be made overnight, a transition phase needs to be set in motion.
4. NATIONAL SECURITY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES: How do you propose to balance the need to guard against terrorism and other threats to national security with the need to preserve our basic civil liberties? Do you recommend any changes in the USA PATRIOT Act?
The Patriot Act must be repealed in its entirety. Those who are beguiled into believing that we must surrender our individual rights because of the terrorist threat simply need to read more history. To address the terrorist threat the Border Patrol must be allowed to do its job. Furthermore history teaches us that well armed citizens stifle terrorist tactics. For this reason it is appropriate for Police and Military forces to train citizens to safely and proficiently use weapons.
5. DIPLOMACY AND MILITARY POLICY: In Iraq and for future U.S. military and diplomatic actions, what should be the balance between working cooperatively with other nations and international organizations like the UN and NATO, versus acting alone?
First: It is wrong to initiate international quarrels over unproven allegations. Second: It is always wrong to strike first. (Alma 43:46) Third: The President has no business declaring war. That authority belongs to Congress (U. S. Constitution Article 1: Section 8). Fourth: The United States is a sovereign entity and needs no UN approval to declare war. Fifth: Our allies are sovereign entities who have the right to choose whether or not to participate in our wars.
6. NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Do you support taxpayer funding of research and development of new nuclear weapons such as "bunker busters" and "mini-nukes," including upgrading and using the Nevada Test Site to test them? Why or why not?
Yes. It is simply a matter of national security.
7. CAMPAIGN FINANCE: Do you support public financing for all federalelections? Why or why not?
In theory yes. In practice I would have to examine every written proposal and hold it to the highest standards of fairness and constitutionality. Third party voters know all too well that money is one of the contributing factors of the two party power monopoly.
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