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  Leavitt, Michael O.
NameMichael O. Leavitt
Salt Lake City, Utah , United States
Born February 11, 1951 (74 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Nov 30, 2015 09:17pm
Tags Latter Day Saints (Mormon) -
InfoMichael O. Leavitt was sworn in as the 20th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on January 26, 2005. As secretary, he leads the Nation’s efforts to protect the health of all Americans and provide essential human services to those in need. He manages one of the largest civilian departments in the federal government, with a budget that accounts for almost one out of every four federal dollars and more than 67,000 employees.

During his first year, he led efforts to successfully enroll tens of millions of seniors and disabled persons in the new Medicare prescription drug benefit; mobilized the nation’s pandemic preparedness; accelerated the development of health information standards and oversaw the medical response to Hurricane Katrina. He also presided over changes in Medicaid statutes to give states flexibility to provide targeted insurance coverage to more people, and reauthorization by Congress, after ten extensions, of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families.

He is intensively focused on making health care more transparent in quality and price, and reducing the time and expense of bringing safe and effective drugs to market.

Prior to his current service, Leavitt served as head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and three-term Governor of Utah.

During his eleven years of service, Utah was recognized six times as one of America's best managed states. He was chosen by his peers as Chairman of the National Governors Association, Western Governors Association and Republican Governors.

Prior to his public service, he served as president and chief executive officer of a regional insurance firm, establishing it as one of the top insurance brokers in America. He is married to Jacalyn S. Leavitt; they are the parents of five children.



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jan 16, 2005 12:00am General Leavitt under fire from right as HHS pick  Article particleman 

Importance? 8.50000 Average

Father Dixie L. Leavitt 1929-
Brother David O. Leavitt 1963-

  01/26/2005 Secretary of Health and Human Services Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  10/28/2003 EPA Administrator Won 91.67% (+83.33%)
  11/07/2000 UT Governor Won 55.77% (+13.50%)
  06/27/2000 UT Governor - R Primary Won 61.76% (+23.52%)
  08/10/1999 NGA Chair Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/05/1996 UT Governor Won 74.97% (+51.66%)
  11/03/1992 UT Governor Won 42.19% (+8.65%)
  09/08/1992 UT Governor - R Primary Won 56.00% (+11.99%)
  06/27/1992 UT Governor - R Convention Won 38.88% (+0.00%)
  02/10/2017 US Secretary of Health and Human Services Lost 0.00% (-52.53%)
UT Direct Primary Elections (Count My Vote) - Nov 06, 2018 YES Yes
UT Governor - R Primary - Jun 28, 2016 R Gary Herbert
UT US President - R Caucus - Mar 22, 2016 R John Kasich
Salt Lake City Mayor - Nov 03, 2015 D Ralph Becker
WI US Senate - R Primary - Aug 14, 2012 R Tommy Thompson
UT US Senate - R Primary - Jun 26, 2012 R Orrin G. Hatch