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  López Contreras, Eleazar
NameEleazar López Contreras
, , Venezuela
Born May 05, 1883
DiedJanuary 02, 1973 (89 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedSesel
Mar 08, 2013 02:10pm
InfoEleazar López Contreras (May 5, 1883 — January 2, 1973) was President of Venezuela (1935-1941). López Contreras was a general and one of Juan Vicente Gómez's collaborators.

Eleazar López Contreras was designated like President of the Republic in January 1, 1936, to concluded the period of Juan Vicente Gómez. Soon he was elect President for the period 1936-1942.

Military man, historian and politician. He was the last Commander in chief of Venezuela. Eleazar Lopez Contreras was born in Quenique, Táchira in May 5, 1883. Lopez was one of the group of the 60 that with Cipriano Castro usurped the power in 1899.

Unlike other military of the time, he was a race official. In December 18, 1935 the Executive Cabinet meets in Maracay, where it finished with the death of Gómez, and orders the Presidency to Lopez Contreras, who at the day 20 arrives to Caracas, where receives “a crowd as it has never been seen in the cradle of the Liberator”. The firts that López Contreras made is the decree of freedom of the political prisoners. In February 14, 1936, the popular mass explodes and an uncontrollable manifestation takes place, it request the dissolution of the Congress with gomecista majority and that settles a Constituent Assembly.

In January 2, 1973, at the age of 89 years, Eleazar López Contreras dies in Caracas.

The dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez finalized with his death in 1935. Immediately, General Lopez, wasprovisionally in charge of the Presidency, until the “National Congress” named him constitutional president, for the period 1936-1941. In the beginning of his presidency, the people fought in the streets against the injustices demanding to finish with the “gomecista inheritance”.

Those that canalized the general displeasure were the students of the Students Federation of Venezuela, the new political parties and their leaders just left the jails or return of exile. The government of Lopez was relatively ample, specially in his first year. Between his measures we can mention, the promulgation of the new National Constitution and a modern Law of the Work (1936). Also, the “Program of February” of 1936 and “the triennial Plan” (1938) for the economic and social progress. Also new institutions settled down: the National Pedagogical Institute, the National Office of the Work, the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Communications, the Venezuelan Child Council, the Industrial bank, the National Office of Change and the one of Exports Control, and finally, already in 1940, the Central bank of Venezuela, and an Act of Government that was the one of the signing of the treaty of limits with Colombia, in April 5, 1941, by means of which 108,000 km² were lost of the venezuelan territory.



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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  04/19/1941 Venezuelan President - Acting Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  04/25/1936 Venezuelan President Won 99.18% (+98.36%)
  12/31/1935 Venezuelan President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  12/18/1935 Venezuelan President - Acting Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  12/17/1935 Venezuelan President - Acting Won 12.50% (+0.00%)