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  Bush, Jeb
<-  2015-06-01  
NameJeb Bush
Address651 Almeria Ave
Coral Gables, Florida , United States
Website [Link]
Born February 11, 1953 (71 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedRob Ritchie
Dec 16, 2017 02:27pm
Tags Caucasian - English - Married - Catholic - Christian -
InfoJohn Ellis Bush

Birthdate: February 11, 1953
Spouse: Columba Bush
Family: Three children, George, Noelle, Jebby
Religion: Roman Catholic
Elected: November 1998
Term Expires:January 2007

Governor Jeb Bush earned a bachelor's degree in Latin American Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin. He came to Florida from Texas in 1980 as a businessman with a small family and big dreams of opportunity. In 1981, he helped start the Codina Group, a Miami-based real estate development company. There Bush served as president and chief operating officer. Equally active in civic and political affairs, he served as Florida's secretary of commerce under Bob Martinez, Florida's 40th governor. As secretary of commerce, he ardently promoted Florida's business climate worldwide. Following an unsuccessful bid in 1994 for governor of Florida, Bush founded a think tank, the Foundation for Florida's Future, helped launch the state's first charter school in Liberty City and authored Profiles in Character, a book profiling 14 of Florida's civic heroes.

Election History:

Governor Bush was elected the 43rd governor of the state of Florida on November 3, 1998. Garnering 55 percent of the vote, he succeeded his Democratic predecessor, Governor Kenneth "Buddy" McKay, who took office in December 1998 upon the death of the late Governor Lawton Chiles.


During his first three years in office, Governor Bush and his administration have honored their commitments to the people of Florida to improve public schools; provide substantial, broad-based tax relief; fight the battle against illegal drugs; protect the natural environment; get tough on criminals who use guns; and reform social services to better serve children, elders and those with disabilities.

Enacted in 1999, the Bush/Brogan A+ Plan for Education has provided a record three-year increase of $2.4 billion (23% increase) in K-12 funding, while also holding schools accountable for teaching all students reading, writing and math skills and ensuring that no child is left behind. Florida's schools and students are meeting the challenge, as the number of schools receiving an "F" grade has decreased from 78 in 1998-99 to four in 1999-2000 to potentially zero in 2000-2001. Minority students are particularly succeeding, as their gains on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test have outpaced the gains of non-minority students.

In 2001, the Legislature passed another historic reform, the Education Governance Reorganization Act. Florida will now have a seamless K-20 system led by State Board of Education and a new Board of Trustees at each of its 11 public universities. This 21st century vision enshrines a student-centered approach at every level while maintaining local control and the individual character of every institution.

Florida's index crime rate fell in 2000 to its lowest level in 28 years, thanks to Governor Bush's approval of tough sentencing laws like 10-20-Life. Innovative, interagency efforts such as Operation Riverwalk in Miami are also making a difference in the fight against illegal drugs. Drug use most recently fell 15 percent in one year (Spring '99 to Spring '00).

Tax relief remains a key catalyst for economic growth and opportunity for all Floridians, and Governor Bush has championed $1.6 billion in tax cuts over three years. He continues working to eliminate the Intangibles Tax, a burden which falls particularly hard on Florida's elders.

Governor Bush has championed elders and Florida's other most vulnerable citizens by promoting community-based care models wherever possible. Funding increases in social services have included $79.2 million (75 percent increase) for the developmentally disabled; $86.8 million to expand child welfare services; $64.2 million for the mentally ill; and $53.7 million to provide community-based care alternatives for elders. In 2001, Governor Bush negotiated a visionary deal with Pfizer that aims to reduce prescription drug costs for elders on Medicare through "disease management," which will employ specially trained nurses to monitor Medicare patients and encourage good dietary and exercise habits, thus reducing the need for emergency room care.

Governor Bush's One Florida Initiative aims to increase opportunity and diversity in the state's universities and in state contracting without using policies that discriminate or that pit one racial group against another. The plan has enjoyed remarkable success, as preliminary figures show an increase in the number of minority students admitted to the State University System in its first year. And in state contracting, the awarding of state contracts to minority-owned businesses is up more than 50 percent in the first full year of One Florida, and up 90 percent in the 15 state agencies under the Governor's supervision.

Not only protecting but also restoring Florida's environmental heritage has been a top Bush priority as well. In 2000, he championed historic legislation in both Tallahassee and Washington to restore the natural beauty and diverse ecosystem of Florida's Everglades, and this year he approved $100 million for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. This long-term, multi-billion dollar effort is a testament to how people at all levels of government and across partisan and regional lines can work together to achieve a goal of great public purpose.

Other environmental initiatives promoted by Governor Bush include restoring the natural courses of key Florida rivers, acquiring millions of acres of land through the $3 billion Florida Forever program, improving water quality across the state, developing a growth management strategy which will protect Florida's renowned natural beauty for decades to come, and consistently opposing oil drilling in waters directly off Florida's coast.

2001 also saw the passage of a bipartisan reform that makes Florida's elections system a model for the nation and the world. Included in this reform package is $32 million to upgrade our state's voting technology and voter education programs, which will ensure that in the future laws, not the lawyers, will govern elections in Florida.

Governor Bush has also kept his promise to provide smaller, more efficient government by instituting his Service First initiative, aimed at reforming and modernizing Florida's outdated civil service system, and by also employing technology to increase service while reducing cost. Service First will deliver better services to Floridians, while providing greater accountability and flexibility to our state workers, and, for the first time in our state's history, rewarding them for good performance.

Governor Bush created the first interactive, web-based E-Budget in state and national history, and through consolidation and outsourcing has reduced the state bureaucracy by 2,351 permanent positions, with 4,233 more proposed for 2001-02. Through the use of e-mail and programs like "Capital for a Day" and "Open Office Hours," Bush has become the most accessible Governor in state history, and has placed Florida at the forefront of using technology to provide citizens with better access to information.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
10/20/2006-10/22/2006 Strategic Vision (R) 56.00% ( 1.0) 30.00% ( 1.0) 14.00% ( 0.0)
10/03/2006-10/08/2006 Quinnipiac University 55.00% ( 0.0) 36.00% ( 1.0) 9.00% ( 1.0)
09/22/2006-09/24/2006 Strategic Vision (R) 57.00% ( 0.0) 29.00% ( 1.0) 14.00% ( 1.0)
09/14/2006-09/17/2006 Survey USA 59.00% ( 2.0) 39.00% ( 2.0) 2.00% ( 1.0)
07/31/2006-08/03/2006 Zogby International 65.00% ( 0.0) 33.00% ( 0.0) 2.00% ( 0.0)
07/21/2006-07/23/2006 Strategic Vision (R) 57.00% ( 2.0) 28.00% ( 11.0) 15.00% ( 9.0)
07/14/2006-07/16/2006 Survey USA 57.00% ( 2.0) 41.00% ( 3.0) 3.00% ( 0.0)
06/09/2006-06/11/2006 Survey USA 59.00% ( 3.0) 38.00% ( 3.0) 3.00% ( 0.0)
05/15/2006-05/22/2006 Quinnipiac University 55.00% ( 0.0) 35.00% ( 1.0) 10.00% ( 1.0)
04/11/2006-04/17/2006 Quinnipiac University 55.00% ( 2.0) 36.00% ( 3.0) 9.00% ( 1.0)

Title Purchase Contributor
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Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Nov 03, 2015 08:30pm Statement Jeb Bush Says He Was Wrong about France’s Workweek  Article RP 
Sep 22, 2015 01:35pm Statement If elected president, Jeb Bush will get rid of net neutrality rules  Article RP 
Aug 19, 2015 01:20pm Speech Jeb Bush pitches "total voucherization" at education summit  Article RP 
Aug 13, 2015 03:15pm Statement Jeb Bush, Hosted By Defense Contractor-Backed Group, Calls Iraq War "A Pretty Good Deal"  Article RP 
Feb 10, 2015 12:00pm General Jeb Bush just published thousands of citizens' names and email addresses  Article RP 
Jun 01, 2012 03:00pm Statement Jeb Bush opposes own party on tax increases  Article CincinnatiReds1990 
Oct 14, 2010 11:50am General Jeb Bush backers aren’t worried about George W. Bush fatigue  Article Jason 
Jun 22, 2010 01:00am General For Jeb Bush, Life Defending the Family Name  Article Jason 
Jul 09, 2009 10:00am Interview Jeb Bush: 'I don't know' if Obama is a socialist  Article Brandonius Maximus 
Nov 30, 2008 09:00pm News Jeb Bush to GOP: Don't Become 'Democrat-Lite'  Article Servo 
Jan 28, 2007 08:45pm News Jeb Bush Rallies Conservatives at Summit  Article The Sunset Provision 
Oct 07, 2006 05:00pm Event Jeb Bush gets rude welcome  Article RP 
May 24, 2006 10:00am News Jeb Bush is approached about running NFL  Article The Sunset Provision 
May 10, 2006 03:00pm Endorsement Bush Backs Brother Jeb for White House  Article RP 
Apr 05, 2006 02:00pm Commentary Florida Gov. Bush Calls Tone of Immigration Debate `Hurtful'  Article RP 
Feb 20, 2006 06:00pm Opinion Jeb Bush and the treacherous left  Article The Sunset Provision 
Dec 08, 2005 10:00am General Gov. Bush's card also omits Christmas  Article Thomas Walker 
Sep 20, 2005 12:15pm Blog Entry [FL Gov] Jeb Bush Reveals His “Mystical Warrior” Friend  Article ArmyDem 
Sep 16, 2005 06:00pm General President's nephew arrested on Sixth Street  Article RP 
Jun 30, 2005 04:25pm Poll Florida Voters Disagree 2 - 1 With Gov. Bush On Schiavo, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Most Say Politics, Not Conviction, Drives Governor  Article ArmyDem 
Jun 17, 2005 11:00am News Gov. Bush wants Schiavo 911 investigation  Article Brandonius Maximus 
Jun 15, 2005 08:00am News [Jeb] Bush counts his what-ifs, both public and personal  Article CBlock941 
May 31, 2005 07:55pm News Elder Bush would like son Jeb to run for president  Article The Sunset Provision 
May 20, 2005 11:50am News Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush Strengthens GOP Base  Article The Sunset Provision 
Mar 06, 2005 09:00pm News Jeb Bush unlikely to run for president in 2008: father  Article Brandonius Maximus 
Feb 28, 2005 09:00am General Jeb Bush ducks 'lame duck' label  Article CBlock941 
Dec 31, 2004 12:00am News Powell, Jeb Bush to lead U.S. team  Article Some say... 
Oct 18, 2004 12:00am News Governor doesn't have his sights on Oval Office  Article CBlock941 
Oct 17, 2004 12:00am News Report: Jeb Bush Ignored Felon List Advice  Article Guy 
Sep 15, 2004 12:00am Profile Bush's newest mantle: hurricane governor  Article CBlock941 
Nov 16, 2003 12:00am News Jeb Bush jokes people of San Francisco may be endangered  Article Servo 
Aug 12, 2003 12:00am Amusing Gov. Bush in joking mood over California's recall election  Article Servo 
Jan 07, 2003 01:04pm General Budget crashes Bush's party  Article eddy 9_99 
Jan 07, 2003 12:58pm General Bush sworn in as first Republican reelected Florida governor  Article eddy 9_99 
Sep 10, 2002 10:47am General Jeb Bush daughter caught with cocaine in rehab.  Article Moof 

Importance? 8.22220 Average

Wife Columba Bush Feb 23, 1974-
Son George P. Bush 1976-
Son Jeb Bush, Jr. 1983-
Father George H. W. Bush 1924-2018
Grandfather Prescott Sheldon Bush 1895-1972
Uncle Prescott S. Bush, Jr. 1922-2010
Grandmother Dorothy Walker Bush 1901-1992
Great-Grandfather George H. "Bert" Walker 1875-1953
Grand Uncle George Herbert Walker, Jr. 1905-1977
1st Cousin Once Removed George Herbert "Bert" Walker, III 1931-2020
Grand Uncle John Mercer Walker Sr. 1909-1990
1st Cousin Once Removed John Mercer Walker, Jr. 1940-
Grand Uncle Louis Walker 1912-2001
1st Cousin Once Removed Dorothy Walker Stapleton 1946-
2nd Cousin Walker Stapleton 1974-
Brother George W. Bush 1946-
Niece Jenna Welch Bush Hager 1981-
Niece Barbara Pierce Bush 1981-
Sister Pauline Robinson "Robin" Bush 1949-1953
Brother Neil Mallon Bush 1955-
Niece Lauren Bush Lauren 1984-
Nephew Pierce Mallon Bush 1986-
Brother Marvin Pierce Bush 1956-
Sister Dorothy "Doro" Bush Koch 1959-
Mother Barbara Bush 1925-2018
Grandfather Marvin Pierce 1893-1969
Uncle James Robinson Pierce 1922-1993
1st Cousin Margaret "Peggy" Peters 0000-

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  11/05/2002 FL Governor Won 56.01% (+12.85%)
  11/03/1998 FL Governor Won 55.27% (+10.55%)
  11/08/1994 FL Governor Lost 49.23% (-1.52%)
  09/08/1994 FL Governor - R Primary Won 45.68% (+27.27%)
  06/07/2016 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.92% (-44.04%)
  06/03/2008 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.00% (-46.49%)
US President - R Primaries - Aug 11, 2024 R Ron DeSantis
WY At-Large - R Primary - Aug 16, 2022 R Elizabeth "Liz" Cheney
NH US Senate - R Primary - Sep 08, 2020 R Donald C. Bolduc
TN US Senate - R Primary - Aug 06, 2020 R Bill Hagerty
UT US Senate - R Convention - Apr 21, 2018 R Mitt Romney
FL US Senate - R Primary - Aug 30, 2016 R Marco A. Rubio
NV US Senate - R Primary - Jun 14, 2016 R Joe Heck
LA Governor - Initial Election - Oct 24, 2015 R David Vitter
WI US Senate - R Primary - Aug 14, 2012 R Tommy Thompson
FL US Senate - R Primary - Aug 14, 2012 R Connie Mack IV
FL State Senate 04- R Primary - Aug 14, 2012 R Aaron Bean
US Vice President - R Selection - Aug 11, 2012 R Marco A. Rubio
GA State Senate 21 - R Primary - Jul 31, 2012 R Chip Rogers
CA - District 09 - Open Primary - Jun 05, 2012 R Ricky Gill
US President - R Primaries - Jun 26, 2012 R Mitt Romney
Miami-Dade County Mayor - Special Election - May 24, 2011 R Julio Robaina
NY District 01 - R Primary - Sep 14, 2010 R Christopher Cox
FL District 12 - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R Dennis A. Ross
AZ US Senate - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R John McCain
FL District 08 - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R Daniel Webster
FL US Senate - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R Marco A. Rubio
FL Governor - R Primary - Aug 24, 2010 R William "Bill" McCollum, Jr.
GA State House 103- R Primary - Jul 20, 2010 R David Casas
AL Governor - R Primary - Jun 01, 2010 R Bradley Byrne
Florida GOP Chair - Feb 20, 2010 R John Thrasher
FL State Senate 08 - Special Election R Primary - Sep 15, 2009 R John Thrasher
FL State Senate 08 - R Primary - Sep 05, 2006 R James E. "Jim" King, Jr.
FL District 09 - R Primary - Sep 05, 2006 R Gus Bilirakis
FL Chief Financial Officer - R Primary - Sep 05, 2006 R Tom Lee
FL State House 107 - R Primary - Sep 05, 2006 R Robert H. Fernandez
FL State Senate 38 - R Primary - Sep 05, 2006 R Frank Bolanos
OH Governor - R Primary - May 02, 2006 R J. Kenneth "Ken" Blackwell
Broward County, FL Slot Machines - Mar 08, 2005 NO No
Miami-Dade County, FL Slot Machines - Mar 08, 2005 NO No
Authorizes Miami-Dade and Broward County Voters to Approve Slot Machines in Parimutuel Facilities - Nov 02, 2004 NO No
[Florida] Public Protection from Repeated Medical Malpractice - Nov 02, 2004 NO No
Authorizes Miami-Dade and Broward County Voters to Approve Slot Machines in Parimutuel Facilities - Nov 02, 2004 NO No
[Florida] The Medical Liability Claimant's Compensation Amendment - Nov 02, 2004 YES Yes
Florida Minimum Wage Amendment - Nov 02, 2004 NO No
Repeal of [Florida] High Speed Rail Amendment - Nov 02, 2004 YES Yes
[Florida] Patients' Right to Know About Adverse Medical Incidents - Nov 02, 2004 NO No
C00579458 JEB 2016, INC. $ 10271129.00