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  Beauprez, Bob
NameBob Beauprez
Lakewood, Colorado , United States
Website [Link]
Born September 22, 1948 (75 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Nov 03, 2017 06:28pm
Tags Married - Catholic -
InfoHard work and real world experience have given Bob Beauprez a unique perspective on the pursuit of the American Dream. For Bob, the concept of the American Dream is highly personal and it has left a deep and lasting impression that influences everything he does and everything he believes. And as the Seventh District?s first Congressman, Bob Beauprez? highest priority will be to strengthen and expand opportunities for all Americans to take part in the American Dream.

Nearly 100 years ago Bob?s grandfather, Art Beauprez, left his home in Langemark, Belgium, in search of the American Dream. Having only enough money for one boat ticket, Art left behind a frightened wife and an infant son with his promise to earn enough money to send for them as soon as possible.

Upon his arrival in America, Art made his way west to Colorado, where he was told a close knit Belgian community would help him find work. Art earned the money to bring his family to America by shoveling coal into the giant furnaces at a local power plant. The blaze from the fires, however, was destroying his eyesight and he knew he must find other work.

While he had no experience as a farmer, 80 acres of land near town caught his eye and he decided to try his hand at farming. A neighbor who had recognized Art?s work ethic and honesty loaned him the money for a down payment on the land. Farming became the Beauprez family business for the next 70 years.

Bob?s father, Joe, continued in the family business and soon became a nationally recognized breeder of registered Hereford beef cattle. Things were going so well right after World War II that Joe decided to partner with a brother home from the War. They bought more land and expanded the cattle herd. Unfortunately, his timing couldn?t have been worse. Drought years in the early 1950?s brought hard times, and the bank called Joe?s loan. Faced with the very real possibility of losing everything the family had worked so hard for, Joe went to another banker and explained his dire situation. The banker recognized in Joe what Art?s neighbor had sensed about the Beauprez family nearly 40 years earlier, and made Joe a loan to keep the farm and also diversify into the dairy business. Yes, Joe paid back that loan ? several years early ? and has never borrowed another penny to this day.

By 1970, the beef herd was gone, but the dairy herd was well established. That same year, Bob Beauprez graduated with a degree in education from the University of Colorado. He also made two important decisions: The first was to marry his high school sweetheart Claudia, and the second was to come home to the farm and join the family business.

The Beauprez? continued to operate one of the most successful dairy farms in the state. In addition, Bob became an internationally recognized breeder, judge and industry spokesman for the Holstein dairy cattle industry. By the late 1980?s the family had offspring of their championship cattle on five different continents.

Bob?s father and brother retired from the dairy business in 1990 with the sale of the cattle. Bob decided to seek a new challenge. While he contemplated his future, he also reflected on the past and how an optimistic young immigrant from Belgium was able to pursue and achieve the American Dream for himself and his posterity. Bob also remembered that if it hadn?t have been for a neighbor and later a banker, who had faith in the character and work ethic of his grandfather and father, their family?s farm might have been lost.

Witnessing the sale of their own hometown bank, he and Claudia decided they might be able to help other small business owners to pursue their own dreams, so they made the decision to get into the community banking business.

So, following the sale of their dairy herd they purchased a small community bank. When they purchased it in 1990, it had one location and was teetering on the brink of financial collapse. Eleven years later, Heritage Bank has a dozen locations and is one of the most successful community banks in the northern suburban area. But more importantly, Bob and Claudia are helping thousands of small businesses in Colorado provide opportunities and jobs for their employees and owners.

As a member of Congress Bob will continue to fight for the values that he learned working side-by-side with his father and grandfather on the family farm. Values that strengthen America and expand the Dream for her citizens ? improved educational opportunities, an expanding economy that ?lifts all boats?, freedom from excessive taxation and strengthened national and homeland security so America?s children sleep safe every night.

For Bob Beauprez, the American Dream isn?t simply a political platform. For this grandson of immigrant farmers, the American Dream is literally the gift of America that he and his family have been privileged to receive, nurture and pass along to future generations. With Bob Beauprez representing us in Congress, we can rest assured that he will be a tireless champion for our families and our own pursuit of the American Dream.

DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
10/22/2014-10/27/2014 Quinnipiac University 47.00% ( 2.0) 34.00% ( 5.0) 19.00% ( 3.0)
10/18/2014-10/21/2014 Suffolk University 40.00% ( 4.0) 39.00% ( 5.0) 21.00% ( 9.0)
10/15/2014-10/21/2014 Quinnipiac University 45.00% ( 0.0) 39.00% ( 0.0) 16.00% ( 0.0)
10/16/2014-10/19/2014 Public Policy Polling 41.00% ( 0.0) 39.00% ( 0.0) 20.00% ( 0.0)
09/13/2014-09/16/2014 Suffolk University 36.00% ( 0.0) 34.00% ( 0.0) 30.00% ( 0.0)
09/10/2014-09/15/2014 New England College 49.00% ( 0.0) 31.00% ( 0.0) 20.00% ( 0.0)
09/08/2014-09/10/2014 Survey USA 38.00% ( 0.0) 34.00% ( 0.0) 28.00% ( 0.0)
09/02/2014-09/04/2014 Marist Institute 41.00% ( 0.0) 31.00% ( 0.0) 18.00% ( 0.0)

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