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Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 9683.07 points)February 03, 2022 01:11pm
Bojicat what's your analysis of this years election?

Costa Rica is supposedly one of the happiest countries in the world. Lots of US expats living there. No military.

I:9626Bojicat ( 947.07 points)February 03, 2022 03:11pm
Thanks, Brent. I see a drama-free final result after the April 3 run-off, no surprise in a jungle paradise of lounging lotus-eaters surrounded by happy howling monkeys and colorful macaws, and in spite of a historic (and lunatic) 27-candidate choice to the voter. I see the first-round two being José María Figueres and Fabricio Alvarado, with favorite Figueres crowned in May.