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I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)May 22, 2021 08:31pm
Four are elected, but the voters are CLEARLY showing their preferences.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)May 22, 2021 09:50pm
Typical Library Trustee race. Very cut throat.

Let this be a lesson for other Library Trustee candidates. Jourdan went negative way too early and trying to mimic Dan Rodmire's Texas accent had similar results.

D:2108ev ( 1596.68 points)May 23, 2021 02:39pm
The last two were also write-in candidates based on the sample ballot.


I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)May 23, 2021 07:13pm
Ah, that explains it. I shall leave Illinois to the experts.