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Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 06, 2022 05:40pm
This is a Trump +2 district now. I suspect this will be a pretty wild primary with lots of candidates.

N:10422CaliforniaModerate ( 384.02 points)January 06, 2022 07:37pm
I’m skeptical of using that Trump metric as a measure of competitiveness in CA for this cycle given republicans hold seats in CA that are Biden +10. This seat is Cox +13 in 2018 and I don’t think it’ll be compatible until after 2022 at the earliest. Many may run but Kiley is young & popular and I think will clear them out in the primary.

N:10422CaliforniaModerate ( 384.02 points)January 06, 2022 07:37pm
Competitive until after 2022*

D:1989RBH ( 5260.33 points)January 06, 2022 08:10pm
the powers of Alpine, Mono and Inyo counties will have to combine for Dems in this district

D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.90 points)January 07, 2022 09:19am
CaliforniaModerate: I’m skeptical of using that Trump metric as a measure of competitiveness in CA for this cycle given republicans hold seats in CA that are Biden +10.

I agree that Biden got alot of votes from erstwhile Republican suburbanites who will continue voting GOP downballot for now.

RBH: the powers of Alpine, Mono and Inyo counties will have to combine for Dems in this district

I'm not sure I'm ready for a world where Inyo County is a Democratic powerhouse...

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 07, 2022 10:10am
CA Pol Junkie:
I'm not sure I'm ready for a world where Inyo County is a Democratic powerhouse...

In that world, Darwin would be its epicenter.