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I:11229OpenlineBlog ( 0.00 points)December 18, 2021 06:26pm
Richard Irvin has voted as a Democrat in most recent elections and has governed as mayor as a woke mob extremist. He only pretends to be a Republican to collect campaign cash for anyone foolish enough to fall for it.

D:10384hammer101peeps ( 0.00 points)December 18, 2021 07:12pm
These Darren Bailey bots are getting out of hand lol

Anyway, Irvin is probably the only candidate who can defeat Pritzker, but probably wouldn't make it through a primary. Ken Griffin's got the right idea here potentially backing him (probably the first time he's ever had a good idea)

D:10718Jack AP ( -52.52 points)May 07, 2022 03:56am
Polls are added as CDA but were done by Cor Strategies, if anyone could add them as a pollster and change would be much appreciated or delete if not possible!! Thanks :)

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)May 07, 2022 10:09am
Jack AP: Polls are added as CDA but were done by Cor Strategies, if anyone could add them as a pollster and change would be much appreciated or delete if not possible!! Thanks :)

Fixed. This one seems to be a new pollster, one we didn't have before. You can add a new pollster by going to the bottom of the list and selecting "* Other - Enter Below" then adding the name of the firm.

Adding new firms should be done sparingly. I like to do a little research before adding a new pollster to make sure they just didn't change a name and also see if there is an available "recycle."

This one looks legit new. LinkedIn is about 1 year old.