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R:9804Southern Moderate ( 0.00 points)August 05, 2019 05:53pm
Griffin trying to head off HuckaSans with the early announcement?

D:7918Labour Dem ( 231.02 points)August 05, 2019 06:32pm
I don't agree with Tim Griffin on anything, but I will send him a donation in Sanders gets in the race. That unrepentant liar should not be a Governor.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 24, 2021 09:31pm

BEER:10271WSNJ ( 452.99 points)January 26, 2021 09:37am
So I read Donald Trump’s endorsement of Sarah Huckabee Sanders and I thought it was a good non trumpian statement. I can’t say I’m pleased that she is running, but perhaps some in the GOP told Trump to relax. How long that will last remains to be seen

R:10538Southern_Moderate2 ( 62.93 points)February 08, 2021 11:16am
I bet Griffin is really frustrated.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)February 08, 2021 12:05pm
Agree. His decision also probably closes an escape hatch for Rutledge. If you're going to have a tough race for Governor or a tough race for Attorney General, might as well go for the bigger job.

R:10538Southern_Moderate2 ( 62.93 points)February 08, 2021 05:59pm
IndyGeorgia: Agree. His decision also probably closes an escape hatch for Rutledge. If you're going to have a tough race for Governor or a tough race for Attorney General, might as well go for the bigger job.

Rutledge is term limited out of the AG job but maybe she could just switch jobs with Griffin and run for LG.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)February 08, 2021 07:10pm
Didn't know about Rutledge's term limits; my comment goes out the window, then. Thanks for correcting.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)November 10, 2021 10:30am
I guess that poll was a reality check for Rutledge.

R:11221Jewish conservative ( 299.52 points)January 03, 2022 11:55am
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Grateful for the endorsement of 101 Arkansas legislators, who join U.S. Senators John Boozman &amp; Tom Cotton, Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Congressmen Rick Crawford, Steve Womack, French Hill, &amp; Bruce Westerman, and Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin supporting my campaign <a href="[Link] <a href="[Link] Sarah Huckabee Sanders (@SarahHuckabee) <a href="
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="[Link] charset="utf-8"></script>

D:1989RBH ( 5260.33 points)June 15, 2022 02:21pm
the deviation map is interesting since the two Washburn areas are both reasonably large but Huckabee beat her statewide average everywhere else