All Discussion
I:10305Sergeant Hooker ( 122.90 points)June 18, 2019 02:41pm
HFD Firefighter's Union endorsed Boykins


D:10313The Hunt-isto ( 73.65 points)July 03, 2019 10:48am
Former Houston City Councilwoman At-Large 2 Sue Lovell running for Mayor



D:10313The Hunt-isto ( 73.65 points)September 11, 2019 05:45pm
Turner launching negative TV Advertising commercial attacking Buzbee:


Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)October 22, 2019 04:15pm
Supposedly there is a Sylvester intern scandal going on down in Houston. Specficially that Sylvester arrainged for a high paid internship for a former supporter.

Anyone know if that is having an impact on this race?

D:10313The Hunt-isto ( 73.65 points)October 23, 2019 10:04am
CBS 11 KHOU-TV Houston held a recent Mayoral debate between Turner, Buzbee, King, Boykins & Baker earlier this week.


D:10409Tar Heel Conservative Dem ( 0.00 points)November 04, 2019 05:49pm


D:10409Tar Heel Conservative Dem ( 0.00 points)November 04, 2019 05:53pm
The Hartford Courant has their analysis on the Houston Mayoral election:


D:10409Tar Heel Conservative Dem ( 0.00 points)November 06, 2019 09:36am
Turner & Buzbee advanced to the December 14th Runoff Election:
