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D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)September 11, 2019 10:32am
Recall has failed: [Link]

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)September 13, 2019 05:47pm
RP: Recall has failed: [Link]

This is the one I thought might have an outside chance to succeed in getting signatures since it was in El Paso County. El Paso County GOP (EPCGOP) is among the more organized and the largest Republican party organization in Colorado. But after the recall started, EPCGOP started falling apart with serious infighting and the party chairman resigning.

One of the reasons why I believe that Republicans are going to have a problem in Colorado in 2020 statewide and local competitive races. The biggest campaign org will be neutralized if the internal rifts aren't fixed.