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R:7206Hikikomori Blitzkrieg! ( 472.60 points)November 29, 2015 07:56pm
I didn't realize that the race from last May, where Bickley lost with over 32 percent, was in a different constituency. So my prediction of a UKIP victory in this seat, may have been overly optimistic. But I'm sticking with it, as funny things do tend to happen during British by-elections, and the ongoing refugee crisis, has the potential to swing a lot of votes.

R:7206Hikikomori Blitzkrieg! ( 472.60 points)December 08, 2015 06:56pm
Hoo boy....apparently Labor needn't worry too much about this constituency. Still, I like how UKIP more than doubled the Tories' miserable showing. And LDP lost their ballot deposit.

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)December 08, 2015 07:38pm
You were certainly not alone; Labour was VERY concerned in the leadup to the election. [Link]