Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points) | February 02, 2023 01:53pm |
Just horrible.
10 shots. Close range. Gated Community. Security Footage.
Hopefully it won't be long with some good police work that they track down the suspect.
D:1 | RP ( 5508.02 points) | February 02, 2023 02:25pm |
This type of thing is going to start driving good people away from political office.
Joker:9757 | BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points) | February 02, 2023 05:05pm |
Really hope this doesn't end up to be politically motivated.
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 452.99 points) | February 03, 2023 08:02pm |
I doubt its politically motivated but is certainly a hit. A resident of the complex said they witnessed the gunman ran towards the direction of the Garden State Parkway, likely to wait for a getaway driver. So the question remains what did she do? or what did she know....
BEER:10271 | WSNJ ( 452.99 points) | February 03, 2023 08:02pm |
*Run towards
I am a grown man should probably proof read lol