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I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)July 25, 2021 11:41pm
President has dissolved the government. [Link]

I:9626Bojicat ( 912.46 points)July 26, 2021 07:13pm
This may be the first time in world history that people rock the streets in jubilation after a president dissolves parliament and fires his government [Link] Ennadha has been bullying Saied in the same way Hezbollah tries to lord it over Lebanon's government, and the public justifiably think this a threat to Tunisia's young democracy. Saied actually enhanced his popular image as 'le Robocop' with this move.

I:9775Natalie ( 108.71 points)July 29, 2021 05:59pm
Bojicat: This may be the first time in world history that people rock the streets in jubilation after a president dissolves parliament and fires his government

Worth noting that there's polling on this already and the people overwhelmingly approve. Media fears of a civil war are overblown.

I:9626Bojicat ( 912.46 points)July 29, 2021 07:47pm
Saied is a phenomenon. The most popular leader in the Middle East and North Africa, by long strides. He can just about get away with anything. A staid, bloodless 'Robocop' that ironically inspires excitement, love and devotion to him in others. Even I personally like him, and I'm 4362 miles away from the aura of his 'charm'. I like the cut of his jib.