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R:10626Back the Blue ( -10.09 points)July 09, 2021 07:43pm
How do I type middle names?

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)July 09, 2021 08:23pm
If the candidate uses it as a proper name, just add it in the first name field.
Example: Ben Ray Luján
FirstName: Ben Ray
LastName: Lujan

If you looking to record a candidates full name, many people spell out the full name in the info box and leave the candidates more common name in the first and last name fields.
Example: Mitt Romney
FirstName: Mitt
LastName: Romney
Info Box: Willard Mitt Romney

You can also add the initial in the first name field if you have it as it helps to cut down duplicate candidates.
Example: James E. Risch
FirstName: James E.
LastName: Risch

D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)July 10, 2021 12:31am
It could very well be necessary to have additional identifying names in the First Name field for common names. The Candidate database is getting pretty big and a lot of people have the same First and Last names and when adding someone to a race how do you tell which is which?