All Discussion
Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)October 05, 2018 09:05pm

I:9518Charlotte Rose ( 255.77 points)October 06, 2018 06:57am

D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)October 06, 2018 09:17am
Hey, Sarah, you know that's a 6 year term and you couldn't even complete a 4 year one, quitting after 2.

Are you sure your kids won't be back in jail then?

D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)October 06, 2018 03:41pm
I applaud Murkowski for voting against Kavanaugh, even if she did merely vote present. However, if her vote had been the deciding vote, I am not quite so sure she would have made the same decision. I think she knew how Manchin and Collins were voting when she made her statement.

D:1989RBH ( 5260.33 points)October 08, 2018 09:43pm
If the current laws remain in place in regards to Alaska Democrats nominating non-party members, it wouldn't shock me if Murkowski's 2022 re-election is run as a Democrat-endorsed Independent.

Although considering the Dems nominated against her in 2010 and 2016 didn't really do much, she could plausibly win as an Independent against a Rep and Dem

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 08, 2021 03:47pm
Been thinking this could happen


I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)January 08, 2021 04:17pm
I'm smelling an Arlen Specter

D:6086Jason ( 11913.37 points)January 08, 2021 06:43pm
No thanks.

BEER:10271WSNJ ( 452.99 points)January 08, 2021 08:16pm
Interesting prospect, not out of the realm of possibility. I still don't see it happening. Mitch is a strong presence in the caucus and I haven't seen many Senators angry at him for losing Georgia, they will likely pit blame on Trump. In other words Mitch will probably sweeten the deal for Murkowski to stay a republican, she has been in the minority before.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)November 22, 2024 08:18pm