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Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 04, 2021 03:17pm
Seems like a lot of Canadian foreign travel resignations and firings today.


I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)January 04, 2021 03:21pm
British Columbia playing the role of star student:
All three provincial political parties in B.C. say none of their members have travelled unnecessarily outside their regions this holiday season, unlike some politicians elsewhere in Canada.

Elected officials in Ottawa, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec have faced consequences for travelling, some of them outside the country, when their governments have asked residents to stay put in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 04, 2021 03:43pm
I mean I agree with all the anger over this. The people telling others not to travel, were traveling themselves. Do as I say, not as I do.

There was an uproar of Thanksgiving in Denver when Denver Mayor Michael Hancock tweeted "Don't Travel Stay Home!" Later it was revealed he sent that tweet from the airport on the way to New Orleans.