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D:9602Old Dominion Democrat ( 1532.08 points)January 03, 2019 05:39pm
How does everyone think Snowe would have voted on Kavanaugh? If she voted against confirmation it wouldn't have affected the vote total since King too voted no, but it may have affected Collins' vote since she and Snowe rarely ever voted differently on important votes.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)January 03, 2019 07:26pm
Great question. I tend to think she would have voted against Kavanaugh. I base my opionion on the following.

1. She was strongly pro-choice angering the GOP during key votes in the Clinton and Bush administrations on partial-birth abortion legislation.

2. Voted for Sotomayor and Kagan while most Republian voted against (I know, before you say it, Collins voted for both too along with that liberal Lindsey Graham).

3. Generally I feel her pro-choice positions are more deeply held and Collins are more political.

4. She sponsored embrionic research legislation.

In general, she stood out more so than Collins as the Republian most willing to break with the party on key votes. I think she relished that role and opposing Kavanaugh would have re-cemented her status as the most indepedent of the Republican Senator.

R:250Mr. Politics ( 190.17 points)January 03, 2019 07:35pm
She would have voted yes.