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R:250Mr. Politics ( 190.17 points)March 27, 2024 04:39pm
He has passed.

D:10973Patrick ( -4.38 points)March 27, 2024 07:55pm
Goodnight, sweet prince

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)March 27, 2024 08:45pm
RIP in Piss

I:8766Pennsylvanian ( 404.55 points)March 27, 2024 09:10pm
An issue I had with Game Change is its romanticized portrayal of McCain-Lieberman as some sort of "unity ticket". Sure is nothing like two hard-nosed defense hawks on a GOP ticket to unite the country, I guess. But least it would have spared the country from the Palin debacle (that is, assuming one did not enjoy the slow-burn demolition of the McCain campaign). RIP.

D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1668.75 points)March 28, 2024 11:41am
I got in touch with Joe Lieberman via email in August 2020. So glad I was able to. RIP.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)March 28, 2024 01:16pm
Real G's hate Joe Lieberman

D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)March 28, 2024 09:12pm

LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.24 points)March 29, 2024 03:31pm
E Pluribus Unum: Real G's hate Joe Lieberman

Thank you, for the compliment, appreciate it!

R:7206Hikikomori Blitzkrieg! ( 472.60 points)March 30, 2024 07:34pm