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  Kris Kobach accuses Gov. Colyer of voter fraud in GOP straw poll. He's kidding, right?
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRP  Jul 03, 2018 08:53am
News DateJul 02, 2018 07:25pm
DescriptionKansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach made himself look desperate, and more than a little ridiculous, by accusing his fellow Republican and gubernatorial rival, Gov. Jeff Colyer, of committing voter fraud in the recent Olathe GOP Straw Poll.

“It’s a shame we couldn’t have an honest straw poll today in Olathe,” Kobach tweeted. “The governor prepaid for 106 people to vote! We are grassroots. They are Astroturf.”

Were these undocumented immigrants who were paid to vote in the straw poll, perhaps? Like the ones you’ve spent years trying to catch voting illegally in real Kansas elections? When you get a schtick, stick with it?
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