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  Coburn says Schiavo autopsy's inaccurate
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jul 10, 2005 11:27pm
News DateJul 08, 2005 11:00pm
DescriptionOKLAHOMA CITY -- U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn challenged the accuracy of Terri Schiavo's autopsy Thursday, saying he has a copy of the Florida woman's medical file.

Coburn's comments came during the taping of a television show for the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority in Oklahoma City. He was responding to questions from a panel of journalists, including a Tulsa World reporter and Terri Watkins, a reporter from KOCO-TV in Oklahoma City.

"I have on my desk a complete medical file of Terri Schiavo, and I would challenge the accuracy of many of the statements by people involved in that case in terms of her medical condition, and I would also challenge some of the autopsy findings based on what I have on my desk in Washington," Coburn said.

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