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  Belfast-Murray River
  PartyProgressive Conservative
NameDarlene Compton
Votes1,510 (58.66%)
Margin990 (+38.46%)
Term04/04/2023 - 04/04/2027

Provincial Legislature DETAILS
Parents > Canada > Prince Edward Island > PEI Legislative Assembly  
Established May 28, 2007
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedCampari_007 November 19, 2020 08:15pm
DescriptionThis is a new district for the 2007 election, including the larger sections of the former districts of Belfast-Pownal Bay and Murray River-Gaspereaux, Premier Pat Binns's riding.

Belfast-Murray River, which runs east to west along the south shore, contains a mix of communities. In the east is Wood Islands, home of the ferry that is central to the economy of the eastern end of the Island. In the central part of the riding is a cluster of communities known collectively as Belfast, an area that has its own development corporation, and where the economy is largely agricultural, with some fishery and aquaculture activities.

The former Murray River-Gaspereaux riding, on the southeastern corner of P.E.I., is largely rural. Fishing is the backbone of the local economy, as the land is not well suited to farming. The vital cogs of the fishing industry are the lobster fishery out of Murray Harbour (pop. 357) and Murray River (pop. 435)

The lobster cannery in Graham's Pond closed down with the failure of Polar Foods. It was converted for mussel processing, but trouble with tunicates in the area's mussel fishery threaten the plant's future.


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