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  Qualls, Roxanne B.
NameRoxanne B. Qualls
Cincinnati, Ohio , United States
Born May 03, 1953
Died Still Living (71 years)
Last ModifedDavid
Apr 21, 2022 11:29pm
InfoRoxanne Barbara Qualls

Roxanne Qualls is Senior Vice President at the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, an organization dedicated to transforming inner city neighborhoods into communities of opportunity through market solutions that create the opportunity for jobs, income and wealth.

Roxanne Qualls served three terms as Mayor of the City of Cincinnati from 1993 to 1999. She served as a member of its City Council from 1991 to 1999. She was the first popularly elected woman Mayor of the city.

During her tenure, Ms. Qualls focused her efforts on the development of a regional transit system, the redevelopment of the city�s 75 acre central riverfront, increasing home ownership opportunities, and cleaning up Cincinnati�s neighborhoods.

Ms. Qualls chaired the city�s effort to initiate a regional light rail transit system and later as Chair of the Ohio-Kentucky- Indiana Regional Council of Governments oversaw the Major Investment Study for the initial 33 mile $500million project. During this same period, Ms. Qualls successfully lobbied for federal support for the study.

As Mayor, Ms. Qualls led the City of Cincinnati�s effort to redevelop its 75 acre central riverfront. She negotiated the transfer of management responsibility for Riverfront Stadium and certain properties to the County of Hamilton, Ohio. She organized and initiated the planning process that to date has resulted in almost $1 billion of investment in sports facilities, highway reconstruction and infrastructure and will eventually transform Cincinnati�s central riverfront into its newsy neighborhood, The Banks.

Ms. Qualls established a partnership with the Greater Cincinnati Home Builders Association to increase market rate new construction in the City of Cincinnati. She targeted blight, deterioration and absent slum landlords through her Zero Tolerance Initiative: A Campaign To Take Back Our Neighborhoods. The United States Conference of Mayors recognized it as one of its �Best Practices� in 1999.

During her first term as a member of City Council, Ms Qualls initiated the city�s Environmental SWAT Team to respond to abandoned hazardous wastes, oversaw the improvement in the regulatory enforcement actions of the Cincinnati Metropolitan Sewer District and directed the administration�s attention to improving the health and safety performance of city departments.

Immediately prior to her election to office, Ms. Qualls served as director of the Cincinnati office of Ohio Citizen Action. Ms. Qualls organized environmental interest groups and communities to successfully stop the construction of a proposed garbage incinerator and initiate the city�s voluntary recycling program. In 1991 she successfully negotiated with the City of Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce the adoption of a local Clean Air ordinance to improve enforcement of clear air standards and to protect neighborhoods from nuisance emissions.

Ms. Qualls served as Executive Director of Women Helping Women from 1977-1979 and before that as the director of the Northern Kentucky Rape Crisis Center. Both organizations served adults and children and who were victimized by domestic assault or rape.

Ms. Qualls has extensive political campaign experience. In her final campaign for Mayor, she raised over $300,000 and recruited over 400 volunteers. Ms. Qualls directed the strategic planning of the campaign and approved all media concepts and press relation efforts. In 1998, Ms Qualls ran for Congress. She garnered 48% of the vote. Raised over $1.3 million and fielded a campaign of over 500 volunteers

Roxanne Qualls grew up in Northern Kentucky and attended Thomas More College and later the University of Cincinnati. She graduated in June 2002 from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University with a Masters in Public Administration.




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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2013 Cincinnati Mayor Lost 42.08% (-15.84%)
  09/10/2013 Cincinnati Mayor - Primary Won 37.15% (+0.00%)
  11/08/2011 Cincinnati City Council Won 8.43% (+0.00%)
  11/03/2009 Cincinnati City Council Won 9.11% (+0.00%)
  11/06/2007 Cincinnati City Council Won 7.83% (-0.00%)
  11/03/1998 OH District 1 Lost 47.01% (-5.97%)
  05/05/1998 OH District 1 - D Primary Won 82.47% (+64.94%)
  11/04/1997 Cincinnati Mayor Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/1997 Cincinnati City Council Won 9.60% (+0.00%)
  11/07/1995 Cincinnati Mayor Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/1995 Cincinnati City Council Won 9.07% (+0.00%)
  11/02/1993 Cincinnati Mayor Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/1993 Cincinnati City Council Won 7.63% (+0.40%)
  11/05/1991 Cincinnati City Council Won 5.76% (-1.68%)
  11/08/1989 Cincinnati City Council Lost 5.85% (-3.52%)
  11/03/1987 Cincinnati City Council Lost 3.60% (-4.90%)
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