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to Marcus "Coach" Caster
Screen Name | Marcus "Coach" Caster |
Name | Marcus Caster |
Location | , , |
Email | marcuscaster@yahoo.com |
Birthday | July 09, 1975 |
Affiliation | Independent |
First Login | February 21, 2018 04:13pm |
Last Login | February 21, 2018 04:14pm |
Predictions |
Points: 0.0000
Predictions: 0/0 (0.00%)
Points Per: 0.0000/0 (0.00)
Emote Messages |
4778 Hwy. 43 McIntosh, AL. 36553
Marcus Ellis Caster was born July, 9th 1975 in Satsuma, AL. Caster grew up in Mount Vernon, Alabama with his grandparents Mary and Minto Caster, and he also spent a lot time in Atlanta, GA with his parents. His father is George Ellis Love Jr. (Grove Hill, AL.), and his mother is Doris Marie Caster Colzie (Atlanta, GA). Caster is an educator and coach who work with the Clarke County Board of Education. He has dedicated his time to enhancing the physical and mental development of youth in Clarke, Washington, Mobile and surrounding areas. Caster graduated from Citronelle High School, and he holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Mobile, a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in Arizona, and he’s completing his dissertation for a Doctorates in Business Administration from Walden University’s School of Management.
Marcus “Coach” Caster served as the head basketball coach for the Jackson High School Aggies for 11 years, and for the Jackson Academy Eagles for three years. During his tenure at both schools, he won a total of 7 Area Championships, and two regional championships. He started the DeMarquis Besteda Christmas Classic, and he coordinated with Dr. Carl Cunningham Jr. to start the 1st Annual Mobile Kappa League Step show in Jackson, Alabama. Caster is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., Masonic Lodge 138-A, Clarke and Washington County Drug Coalition and the Underage Drinking Task Force. Caster attends St. Paul’s Missionary Baptist Church in Mc Intosh, AL (Pastor Craig Westry). He is married to LaTunja Adams Caster, his kids are Peyton Marcus, Mackenzy Ellis, and Micah Logan.