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   from Old Dominion Democrat
Screen NameOld Dominion Democrat   
LocationRichmond, ,
BirthdayJuly 14, 1985
First LoginApril 06, 2017 03:49pm
Last LoginMarch 08, 2021 06:36am
Predictions Points: 1532.0778
Predictions: 597/761 (78.45%)
Points Per: 1532.0778/761 (2.01)
Emote Messages 1
D:6086Jason ( 11913.37 points)
November 10, 2018 12:49pm
I dunno, I think Donald Trump is going to kick our asses. Our bench of Presidential contenders is weak and the party has done nothing to rebuild its standing in the rust belt or to change the electoral map to compensate.

That being said, the Senate side should be better just based purely on the numbers. 2014 went about as badly as it possibly could, so there are limited options for the GOP to make gains beyond Alabama.

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