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   from Pennsylvanian
Screen NamePennsylvanian   
Location, ,
BirthdayMay 10, 0000
First LoginMay 03, 2012 06:36pm
Last LoginJanuary 22, 2025 07:23pm
Predictions Points: 404.5480
Predictions: 305/335 (91.04%)
Points Per: 404.5480/335 (1.21)
Emote Messages 402
D:10973Patrick ( -4.38 points)
January 20, 2025 07:44pm
E Pluribus Unum: Like for real, we are like 10 Times More likely to go to war now

LOL you think Little Marco is being brought on board to make decisions?

LBR:1802Old LW ( 599.62 points)
November 13, 2024 11:07pm
Trump just wanted to make sure he wasn't the only person that belongs on the sex offender list in the White House.

For:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -631.90 points)
November 07, 2024 08:53pm
KeystoneProgressive: Quite the upset here. This was not on my bingo card. I must say, I'm quite disappointed to now have a Republican representative....

Also means no more federal money to the district for awhile since Cartwright's seniority went with him.

D:10384hammer101peeps ( 0.00 points)
November 06, 2024 07:49pm
There are much more deserving nominees than the Vice President who stepped in to the race with a smidge over 100 days to go to replace a President who was going to lose in a landslide and only ended up losing by a few points despite voters thinking the economy was terrible.

Like if she wins over Mark Robinson or Liz Truss, what are we even doing here folks

PoP:11714KeystoneProgressive ( -7.60 points)
October 31, 2024 04:08pm
BrentinCO: Hey. Just wanted to say that I appreciate you as a member of the Site and I'm glad you contribute to the discussions.

I find your posts, while we don't always agree, thought provoking and interesting. Glad you are here.

Hey Brent! Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment. That really honestly made my day. While you're right, we don't always agree politically, that doesn't mean we can't get along. Despite our disagreements, I always viewed you as an insightful poster who was always willing to listen to the thoughts of the others.

To be honest, joining OurCampaigns was one of the best decisions I have made in a while. It's a place where I feel my thoughts are valued, as usually when I enter into places that deal with politics I am not taken seriously and get bullied because of my young age and me being on the autism spectrum. It's also a place where I feel like I can make a significant contribution. I can really envision myself being here for years to come. Again, thank you so much for that comment and I'm so glad that you are here as well.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
October 31, 2024 03:30pm
Hey. Just wanted to say that I appreciate you as a member of the Site and I'm glad you contribute to the discussions.

I find your posts, while we don't always agree, thought provoking and interesting. Glad you are here.

D:6086Jason ( 11913.37 points)
August 24, 2024 03:01am
I would hope these attorneys aren't citing dead law in their regular practice.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.48 points)
August 23, 2024 10:54pm
Pretends to be shocked......

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
August 11, 2024 10:39am
HB RP. Hope its a good year. Thank you for all you do to keep this website running and I'm glad to be able to contribute constructively to this passion project which is the most complete resource of election data in one place on the Internet!

PoP:11714KeystoneProgressive ( -7.60 points)
July 21, 2024 09:01pm
I am proud of him for dropping out. He has accomplished a lot in his decades-long career and I didn't think he would drop out. I am an Independent who leans right politically but I don't think someone like Donald Trump, who is charged and convicted on a lot of felonies and says all the stuff he says should be in the White House. I get that presidential elections aren't personality contests but by being president you are also a role model to the American people. And someone who's in a role model does not do all the things that Trump did. So I will be gladly rooting for whoever the Democratic nominee is in November (probably Harris).

D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)
July 21, 2024 08:55pm
Hello and welcome.

D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.90 points)
July 16, 2024 06:54pm
RP: Schumer is calling on him to resign. I don't think he automatically has to.

I'm sure the votes are there for expulsion if he doesn't resign.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 599.62 points)
July 14, 2024 01:57am
Typical South Hills suburb. Hometown of one of the best Yinzers of all time, Rick Sebak (if you ever watched a PBS documentary on theme parks or hot dogs, he’s probably the one that made it). Also, Andy Warhol is buried there. It’s really a nice little town. Would not have been the first Mon Valley town I’d have guessed if you just said the shooter was from the Mon Valley. I’d have guessed one of the dumpier old coal/steel towns like Donora or Charleroi.


D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)
June 03, 2024 10:44am
E Pluribus Unum: vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo GuYs!!?!??!!?

Yes. Do you know what the makeup of the judiciary would be if Democrats hadn't held control of the Senate because of Manchin? The rulings on all sorts of thing like the environment, climate and voting rights and many, many other things that would have gone the other way because of that? Other appointed positions that wouldn't have been confirmed? Essential bills to keep the government functioning that made it through because of that? Politics is a coalition building game, not a purity game. I'd still rather have a Senator Manchin from West Virginia rather than the Republican who will replace him.

LBT:11457The Fixer ( 14.24 points)
May 10, 2024 09:13pm
Happy Birthday

I:6738IndyGeorgia ( 4113.60 points)
May 10, 2024 06:32pm
Happy Birthday!

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
May 10, 2024 09:43am
Have a great Birthday Pennsylvanian. Enjoy your contributions.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
May 10, 2024 05:42am
Happy birthday, neighbor!

D:10973Patrick ( -4.38 points)
April 29, 2024 07:43pm
I'm not sure if we have officially determined that this is the line yet

LBR:1802Old LW ( 599.62 points)
April 24, 2024 05:00pm
I can say as a Washington County resident that in this district generally Westmoreland (even with some of the county cut off) would win, however, not when you're swamped with 90% of the vote in Washington.

LBR:1802Old LW ( 599.62 points)
April 24, 2024 12:02pm
This was quite the competitive race to see which of these poor guys gets to lose to that idiot Reschenthaler.

For:10038Luzerne County Historian ( -631.90 points)
April 19, 2024 07:56pm
Probably but there hasn't been any polling for this race that I could find, so you honestly never know. We could end up with a situation like the Republican Lt. Gov. primary in 2022 where each region voted for their favorite son candidate and the winner ended up winning with 25% of the vote.

D:1RP ( 5508.02 points)
February 10, 2024 08:21am
Even if he does win, the current GOP is driving out Senators and Representatives that are quite a bit to the right of him. I'm can't imagine what he would face from his own party in office.

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.48 points)
November 17, 2023 02:59pm
Hello Friends.

I'm heading out for a couple of months with the wife on a humanitarian mission this Thanksgiving through the New Year and will be offline through early January. I'll probably have some Internet access, but I'm going off all social media and websites so I can have my mindset total focused on the mission and effort.

Before I left, I wanted to wish you all, your loved ones and your families a wonderful and special Thanksgiving, Christmas (if you celebrate it), Holiday Season, and New Year.

Seems like things are really getting tense in the world. I want you all to know that even though many of us approach things from different world views, I've tried to be respectful. I apologize unreservedly if any of you have felt disrespected in anyway by my comments or actions. We should be able to have our beliefs and respect each other at the same time. I'll own not living up to that standard sometimes this past year. In the end we need to co-exist with our wide and different views.

I'd like to leave you all with something I've been studying recently, the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
[Link] I am aware that many of you aren't religious, but this parable has inspired so much classical and popular culture, I'm sure you've been exposed in some way whether it be from a modern song or a Kipling poem or a Shakespeare play or even in the themes of Star Wars.
[Link] May this amazing story touch you in the way it has touched me. We may all be imperfect. Flawed. But all should be welcomed home into loving arms after we fall short.


D:7CA Pol Junkie ( 4953.90 points)
November 13, 2023 01:08pm
For better or worse, it is way too early to get worked up over polls, especially when the presidential race could take tumultuous turns before summer.

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