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  Daniel Tinus
Screen NameDaniel Tinus   
NameDaniel Tinus
Location, ,
BirthdayMarch 24, 1960
First LoginApril 30, 2018 08:52am
Last LoginMay 01, 2018 01:06pm
Predictions Points: 0.0000
Predictions: 0/0 (0.00%)
Points Per: 0.0000/0 (0.00)
Messages Posted 1
I:9958Daniel Tinus ( 0.00 points)April 30, 2018 09:00am
I am Daniel Tinus the libertarian candidate for the US House 27th CD Texas. I would like to give you a photo and profile information to give voters more information. I am the only candidate in this race that is on the November ballot as well as the special election. Contact me. dtinusforcongress.com dtinusforcongress@gmail.com