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  Gov Lundy
Screen NameGov Lundy   
Namelundy Lundmark
Location, ,
BirthdayJuly 07, 1984
First LoginJuly 18, 2018 03:04pm
Last LoginAugust 02, 2018 03:30pm
Predictions Points: 0.0000
Predictions: 0/0 (0.00%)
Points Per: 0.0000/0 (0.00)
Messages Posted 2
D:10067Gov Lundy ( 0.00 points)August 02, 2018 03:39pm
Alex "Lundy" Lundmark Bio
I am a Rotarian, I am an Eagle Scout, I am a Realtor, I am a Pilot, and I am first generation immigrant, I'm Lundy. I was born in Russia. Adopted by a loving American family at age 10. Grew up in Vero Beach, FL. Graduated from UCF with Business Financing emphasis in real estate. Retired around age 31. Before committing to this Governor journey, I was flying as much as possible accumulation hour and skill level to become an airline pilot. To see my vision of Florida's future, visit GovLundy.com

D:10067Gov Lundy ( 0.00 points)August 02, 2018 03:37pm
Hey ALL, I need your help. Im a dem candidate for Florida Gov 2018 Im Alex "Lundy" Lundmark and this site has The wrong picture of me. It has some stranger that IS NOT ME. what can I do to fix this ASAP