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Screen NameZT08   
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BirthdayDecember 09, 2008
First LoginJuly 21, 2024 08:34pm
Last LoginSeptember 16, 2024 11:28am
Predictions Points: -7.6004
Predictions: 52/61 (85.25%)
Points Per: -7.6004/61 (-0.12)
Messages Posted 238
D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 10, 2024 02:38am
Jason: Well they're different state parties. The Colorado Democrats might be fine with the status quo given that they've been winning most of the time.

Oh I thought it was the national party.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 09, 2024 06:49pm
So the Democratic Party supports RCV in Alaska but not in Colorado? I'm a Democrat but this seems quite hypocritical, unless if I'm missing something here.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 09, 2024 03:38pm
BrentinCO: Whoever is nominated is most likely to face a Republican Senate and thats going to factor into whoever is put up for a vote.

For Trump he'll get who he wants from a Republican Senate.

For Harris its more difficult. I think you can count out Masto since she is a sitting Democratic Senator in a State with a Republican Governor. Also, I'd be hard pressed to find one Republican Senator willing to vote for "pragmatic" Keith Ellison.

Tbh, I didn't think of that. I forgot Nevada had a Republican Governor lol. So that rules out Cortez-Masto.

As for Ellison, I didn't see anything bad about Ellison at all, other than what far-right MAGA shills like Loomer have been saying, which makes me believe that he might be a fine choice, but you do have a point, I don't know if he'd get any GOP votes. Somebody like Delaware Senator Chris Coons or former Alabama Senator Doug Jones might get GOP votes.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 09, 2024 02:59pm
LSwisso: Harris is still someone to be concerned about, her ties to Big Tech would help Google wiggle out of a meaningful breakup. She wants to use the federal government to censor Americans online, she wants to make life more expensive and miserable for the average American, she's an elitist. She's a corporate sellout.

LSwisso: My political views are neutral


D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 09, 2024 02:37pm
LSwisso: She was the most liberal member of the Senate according to voteview.com

Being more liberal doesn't always tie to a lower chance of winning an election. It also depends on the opponent. In this case, the Republicans nominated a convicted felon who's been accused (and convicted on some) of tons of horrible stuff from sexually assaulting women to falsifying business records, whereas Harris isn't convicted (let alone accused) on any of these things.

And a lot of moderates are tired of Trump and they would've only voted for him because they felt Biden was too old, whereas Harris doesn't have this issue.

Not to mention Harris is basically campaigning as the female Obama.

Now, if Harris is accused of even A QUARTER of what Trump is accused of, let me know.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 09, 2024 01:02pm
LSwisso: We should all agree that Harris is not the most electable out of all the Democrats who could've been the presidential nominee.

I respectfully disagree. VP Harris is one of the few Democrats who have the name recognition that was needed to step up to replace Biden. She was also the natural replacement, given her status as VP.

If we nominated some Governor or Senator, they would have to expand their name recognition nationally, which they might not have enough time and money to do when we're pretty close to November.

She also doesn't have the old age issue that Biden had and unlike some of the other replacements who had the name recognition to stand up (such as Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton).

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 09, 2024 12:26pm
E Pluribus Unum: Don't think that's happening.

I think he and the NC Dem Party is gunning for the 2026 Senate Seat, and Roy's basically the best bet for that

Yeah I think it's better that Cooper stays in NC and runs for Senate in 2026, if we want a chance at flipping the seat.

As for Governors Healey and Shapiro, I think it would be better if they both run for a second term as Governor (especially Shapiro because he's popular here and PA is swingy, and if Harris wins and Shapiro is not the nominee it'll be tough to hold, unless of course GOP nominates a Mastriano-type, but that's a whole different discussion)

Senators Coons, Cortez-Masto, and (ex-Senator) Jones as well as AG Ellison, I think would be fine and pragmatic choices. Don't know enough about the others to say if they would be good choices though.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 08, 2024 08:48am
LSwisso: If Trump wins, he'll likely nominate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The president always chooses a strong political ally as their A.G.


D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 08, 2024 08:46am
If Harris wins, there's not really anyone on here I'd be opposed to.

If Trump wins, different story.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 11:51am
People who like pineapple on pizza and people who hate pineapple on pizza can finally come together and agree on something.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 11:12am
RP: OT: Weird that when you have two of the same Twitter (X) link on the same page it puts them both where the first link is rather than where each link is. Maybe don't quote Twitter posts.

Yeah everytime I quote a Twitter post it would duplicate the post twice in the original post. Weird how it does that.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 10:46am

Yeah, and I have beachfront property in Arizona that I'm selling.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 09:32am
Steel got around 55% of the open primary vote in this year's open primary, and she was the only Republican. But this was also when Biden was in the race. I don't think Steel will get as much as 55%, but I also don't see Steel doing worse here than she did in 2022. So my prediction is Lean Steel.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 08:13am
I bet you Day is wishing he lived in Lower Macungie.

But seriously though, this appears to work out because Day is basically going to be back in the State House [Link] while Mackenzie might get a seat in Congress. [Link]

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 06:38am
I feel like she's going to easily get the primary. The GE is a whole different story, Spanberger is known as one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, so that would help with moderates who voted for Youngkin in 2021. Either way, it'll be close, but I feel like Spanberger comes out on top here.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 06, 2024 06:35am
BrentinCO: <q 11714="">
Shapiro = Stein and Mastriano = Robinson

Then again, North Carolina is more right-wing than Pennsylvania is, and on top of that Trump is on the ballot this year, so it won't be double-digits but I think it will be a good 4-6 point Stein win, if, of course, all of the dynamics stay the same from now until November.

Certainly looking that way now. Curious if we will start to notice a poll drift from Robinson to Ross.
Yeah, I imagine there is a significant group of Republicans who can't stomach Robinson getting elected but also aren't huge fans of Stein, either. These guys are a good group for Ross to appeal too. Ross will probably end up getting 3-4% of the vote, which is still pretty high for a libertarian.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 05, 2024 06:24pm
Zeus the Moose: <q 11714="">It doesn't surprise me to learn that the only precinct the DSA-endorsed candidate won was the one that includes Lafayette College.

But she only won it by a single vote.

Does Lafayette have that much of a reputation for being leftist? If so, that's a pretty significant change from when I was there (which was over a decade ago to be fair)

I'm not sure about Lafayette in particular, but I do know that colleges in general are usually left-wing. I did do a quick google search and it said that the staff and faculty there tend to be liberal, but nothing about socialism.

I think that the reason why Sultana barely won there is because Freeman lives at College Hill, and in the surrounding precincts got somewhere in between 75-90% of the vote.

Sultana, meanwhile, crashed and burned on her side of Easton (Freeman won the precincts there in between 70-80% of the vote).

With this data in mind I assume that Lafayette College itself went heavily for Sultana, but that precinct also includes nearby blocks, in the same area where Freeman almost hit 90% of the vote, thus contributing to her winning the overall precinct by a single vote.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 05, 2024 01:44pm
It doesn't surprise me to learn that the only precinct the DSA-endorsed candidate won was the one that includes Lafayette College.

But she only won it by a single vote.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 05, 2024 09:42am
BrentinCO: <q 11714="">Changed my prediction from Slight Stein to Lean Stein.

Will Stein's good performance (if he ultimately does end up having a good performance, which I think he will) here help Harris and other Democrats who are down-ballot?

I upped my as well to lean the other day. All the recent elections have been so close...Roy won with just a over 51% for re-election. IF Stein wins with more or even over 52% that will be a tremendous result.

It's not that improbable in my opinion, here in Pennsylvania Shapiro won by double-digits against Mastriano, and PA 2022 and NC 2024 have a lot of similarities.

Shapiro = Stein and Mastriano = Robinson

Then again, North Carolina is more right-wing than Pennsylvania is, and on top of that Trump is on the ballot this year, so it won't be double-digits but I think it will be a good 4-6 point Stein win, if, of course, all of the dynamics stay the same from now until November.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 05, 2024 06:21am
E Pluribus Unum:
Gen Z is the one outlier due to the fact that people are rejecting EVERYTHING. You have some Gen Z people that are literally borderline fascists who want to repeal women's rights, while on the other you have people who advocate for the demolition of the US's Capitalist Empire.

I can relate to this. As a member of Gen Z myself, I have met so many people in my generation who are like this. I remember meeting somebody who literally wanted to take us back to the 1800s, but also meeting somebody else who was a literal Marxist. But these types of people I meet are only from Gen Z.

The big question is, how will Gen Alpha (the next generation) turn out?

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 05, 2024 06:18am
Changed my prediction from Slight Stein to Lean Stein.

Will Stein's good performance (if he ultimately does end up having a good performance, which I think he will) here help Harris and other Democrats who are down-ballot?

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 05, 2024 06:05am
Another California Democrat switching to the Republicans.


D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 03, 2024 09:15am
It should be interesting to see if whether or not Jill Stein can get more votes than Donald Trump in precincts in cities like Dearborn.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 03, 2024 08:43am
As the old saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

D:11714ZT08 ( -7.60 points)September 03, 2024 08:16am
And my 1000th endorsement goes to.....

..... State Representative Scholten!

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