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  MO US Senate
Parents > United States > Missouri > Senate Class I
HonorificSenator - Abbr: Sen.
Type General Election
Filing Deadline March 27, 2012 - 05:00pm Central
Polls Open November 06, 2012 - 06:00am Central
Polls Close November 06, 2012 - 07:00pm Central
Term Start January 03, 2013 - 12:00am
Term End January 03, 2019 - 12:00pm
ContributorKarma Policeman
Last ModifiedRBH December 13, 2012 01:14am
Data Sources[Link]
Description Going into this election, Claire McCaskill was considered one of the most likely Senators to lose re-election due to a move towards Republicans by Missouri voters in previous elections.

Todd Akin won the Republican primary in an upset. Akin was helped either by the intense media war between Sarah Steelman and John Brunner, or by an ad run by McCaskill during the Republican primary calling Akin "too conservative".

In the days after the primary, Akin had a lead on McCaskill in the polls. Until he had an interview with Charles Jaco on St. Louis TV. Questioned on his stance regarding abortions in the case of rape, Akin referred to "legitimate rapes" and said that the body would "shut itself down" and prevent pregnancy.

These comments led Republican leadership and SuperPACs to call on Akin to withdraw from the campaign. These groups also pull supported from Akin for much of the fall campaign.

Akin withstood these calls for the period of a month between the primary and the setting of the final ballot. During this time, McCaskill laid low, trying to not force Akin out of the race.

After the ballot was set, McCaskill and her allies displayed their monetary advantage by running ads reminding voters of Akin's comments and how they tied into his deeper record on issues.

Most public polling showed the election to be a slight McCaskill lead. But on election day, McCaskill won by over 15%, amassing the most votes of any candidate running in Missouri in that election.
  PartyDemocratic Won11/07/2006
NameClaire McCaskill Votes1,055,255 (49.58%)
Term01/03/2007 - 01/03/2013 Margin48,314 (+2.27%)
  PartyRepublican Won11/06/2018
NameJosh Hawley Votes1,254,927 (51.38%)
Term01/03/2019 - 01/03/2025 Margin141,992 (+5.81%)
Aug 07, 2012 MO US Senate - R Primary
Todd Akin
R 603,260
Aug 07, 2012 MO US Senate - D Primary
Claire McCaskill
D 289,481
Leaning Graph
11/22/2008 11/06/2012
Claire McCaskill 50 18 1 1
Todd Akin 10 3 4 --
Leaning Call: Claire McCaskill (76.86%)
Weighted Call: Claire McCaskill (99.13%)
Poll Graph

03/01/2011 11/03/2012

Name (I) Sen. Claire McCaskill Rep. Todd Akin Jonathan Dine (W) Ted Kimzey (W) Bernard J. "Spark" Duraski, Jr. (W) William Dean (W) Bernie Mowinski
PartyDemocratic Republican Libertarian Independent Independent Independent Independent Republican
Campaign Logo
Certified Votes 1,494,125 (54.81%) 1,066,159 (39.11%) 165,468 (6.07%) 15 (0.00%) 9 (0.00%) 6 (0.00%) 5 (0.00%)
Margin0 (0.00%) -427,966 (-15.70%) -1,328,657 (-48.74%) -1,494,110 (-54.81%) -1,494,116 (-54.81%) -1,494,119 (-54.81%) -1,494,120 (-54.81%)
Predict Avg.50.06% 46.75% 2.90% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Cash On Hand $0.00 3/31 $910,608.75 $-- $-- $-- $-- $--
Website [Website] [Website]
Entry Date 11/04/2010 05/17/2011 00/00/2012 -- -- -- --
MATCHUP POLLS (42 from 12 pollsters)
Adj Poll Avg48.21%-- 41.46%-- 5.21%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%--
52.00% 5.0 42.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Public Policy Polling 
48.00% 2.0 44.00% 4.0 6.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Survey USA 
51.00% 11.0 36.00% 15.0 8.00% 4.0 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
We Ask America 
48.60% 2.6 45.20% -- 6.20% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Kiley & Company (D) 
53.00% 1.0 39.00% 1.0 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
45.00% -- 43.00% -- 4.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Name (W) Charlie L. Bailey (W) Arnie C. "AC" Dienoff  
PartyIndependent Independent  
Campaign Logo  
Certified Votes 4 (0.00%) 2 (0.00%)  
Margin-1,494,121 (-54.81%) -1,494,123 (-54.81%)  
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00%  
Cash On Hand $-- $--  
Entry Date -- --  
MATCHUP POLLS (42 from 12 pollsters)
Adj Poll Avg0.00%-- 0.00%--  
0.00% -- 0.00% --
Public Policy Polling 
0.00% -- 0.00% --
Survey USA 
0.00% -- 0.00% --
We Ask America 
0.00% -- 0.00% --
Kiley & Company (D) 
0.00% -- 0.00% --
0.00% -- 0.00% --

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor
11/01/2012 Todd Akin TVAd Endorsement eng Care Ad   00:01:01 RP 
11/01/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Attack eng Unfit  00:00:31 RP 
10/28/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Attack eng Real Words - Scary  00:00:30 RBH 
10/25/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Issue eng Real Words - Medicare   00:00:31 RP 
10/25/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Issue eng Real Words - Middle Class   00:00:32 RP 
10/25/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Issue eng Real Words - Minimum Wage   00:00:32 RP 
09/27/2012 vs Todd Akin TVAd Attack eng Wrong for Missouri   00:00:32 RP 
09/26/2012 vs Todd Akin TVAd Biography eng Truth  00:00:30 RBH 
09/25/2012 Claire McCaskill TVAd Issue eng Balance  00:00:31 RP 
09/25/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Attack eng Calendar - Next  00:00:30 RBH 
09/14/2012 Todd Akin vs Claire McCaskill TVAd Attack eng Broken Trust  00:00:30 RP 
09/07/2012 Claire McCaskill TVAd Biography eng Fifty  00:00:31 RP 
08/28/2012 Todd Akin vs Claire McCaskill TVAd Attack eng Six Seconds - Six Years   00:00:30 RP 
08/28/2012 Claire McCaskill TVAd Mixed eng Think About Family  00:00:31 RP 
08/20/2012 Todd Akin TVAd Defend eng Forgiveness  00:00:31 Homegrown Democrat 
08/14/2012 vs Claire McCaskill TVAd Attack eng No Dice  00:00:31 RP 
08/14/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Issue eng Stage 3   00:00:31 RP 
08/14/2012 Todd Akin vs Claire McCaskill TVAd Mixed eng Wrong Way Claire   00:00:30 RP 
08/13/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Attack eng Todd Akin: Way out of Missouri's mainstream   00:00:30 RBH 
08/03/2012 Todd Akin Radio Ad Endorsement eng David Barton Endorses Todd Akin   00:01:01 RP 
08/03/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin Radio Ad Attack eng Three of a kind, one and the same: Todd Akin (Radio Version)  00:01:02 RBH 
07/31/2012 Todd Akin TVAd Issue eng Leizl's Story   00:00:30 RP 
07/28/2012 Todd Akin TVAd Mixed eng Freedom's Flame   00:00:30 RP 
07/19/2012 Claire McCaskill vs TVAd Attack eng Three of a kind, one and the same: John Brunner  00:00:30 RBH 
07/19/2012 Claire McCaskill vs TVAd Attack eng Three of a kind, one and the same: Sarah Steelman  00:00:30 RBH 
07/19/2012 Claire McCaskill vs Todd Akin TVAd Attack eng Three of a kind, one and the same: Todd Akin   00:00:30 RBH 
07/16/2012 Todd Akin TVAd Endorsement eng Don't Be Fooled  00:00:30 RP 
07/05/2012 Todd Akin TVAd Endorsement eng Standing on Principle, Leading with Courage - That's Todd Akin  00:00:30 RP 
05/24/2012 Claire McCaskill TVAd Issue eng Always Remember  00:00:31 RP 
02/29/2012 Todd Akin Radio Ad Endorsement eng Mike Huckabee  00:01:02 RP 
10/04/2011 TVAd Attack eng ClaireAir: Why Won't Clair McCaskill Campaign With President Obama?  00:00:00 Kyle 

Title Purchase Contributor


Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Nov 03, 2012 12:00pm Speech Todd Akin: Bible says government shouldn't educate children  Article RP 
Nov 01, 2012 01:00pm Strategy A GOP switch on Todd Akin?  Article RP 
Oct 23, 2012 05:20pm News Claire McCaskill Cancels Campaigning To Be With Ill Mother  Article RP 
Oct 23, 2012 05:00pm News Akin was arrested at least three times during '80s abortion protests  Article RBH 
Oct 22, 2012 05:50pm News Akin spokesman labels McCaskill "Bullshitsu"  Article The Sunset Provision 
Oct 21, 2012 05:00pm News Todd Akin compares Claire McCaskill to a dog  Article The Sunset Provision